I am an Associate Professor of Public Policy and Democracy at the University of Brasília, Brazil (since 2009), and I collaborate with the Enap (since 2018). As a critical scholar, I specialize in decolonial studies, feminist studies, and social management, in the context of the Latin American critical thinking tradition. I lead a national research group on critical policy Studies, as well I serve as the editor of the Critical Policy Studies Journal.
I am excited to apply because I believe that a diverse and inclusive team, in terms of both regional and epistemological affiliation, can significantly contribute to the advancement of the public policy field. I am an active member of several Brazilian research networks, including Campo de Públicas/Anepecp, Social Management Network/RGS, Public Administration Brazilian Society/SBAP, and Women for Science. Given the increasing interconnectedness of researchers in our region, I see myself as a dialogical connection between the IPPA and our networks as we share goals of advancing the public policy field through rigorous research and engaged practice. For this, my candidacy was formed by a group of scholars to perform as a kind of "collective mandate", meaning a participatory and accountable style of representation.