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Professor Christopher Hood joins IPPA for an interview reflecting on his early academic research and publications, his tools of government approach, the importance of cybernetics, the use of digital tools in government, and his perspective on how public administration and public policy scholarship will evolve in the future. He was interviewed in Singapore by PhD candidate Jimin Ha.
Hood, C.C. (1972) The Development of Betting Taxes in Britain, Public Administration, 50(2): 183-202.
Hood, C.C. (1973) The rise and rise of the British Quango, New Society, 25(3): 386-388.
Hood, C.C. (1976) The Limits of Administration. London: Wiley.
Hood, C.C. and Dunsire, A. (1981) Bureaumetrics. Farnborough: Gower.
Hood, C. C. (1983) The Tools of Government. London: Macmillan.
Hood, C.C. (1991) A Public Management for All Seasons?, Public Administration, (69)1: 3-19.
Hood, C. C. (1998) The Art of the State: Culture, Rhetoric and Public Management. Oxford, Clarendon.
Hood, C. C. and Margetts, H. (2007) The Tools of Government in the Digital Age. London, Palgrave Macmillan.
Christopher Hood is Emeritus Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford, and Visiting Professor at Oxford’s Blavatnik School of Government. He specialises in the study of executive government, regulation and public-sector reform and is widely known for his writings on ‘New Public Management’, the tools of government, public service bargains, and government spending. He has taught government, public administration, and public management on three continents, has authored or edited over twenty books in the field and at least 100 journal articles, and received several awards for his research and publications. From 2004–2010 he was director of a major research programme on public services financed by the UK Economic and Social Research Council, comprising some 46 research projects and over 100 conferences or seminars. From 2008 to 2010 he chaired a Nuffield Council on Bioethics’ Working Party on medical profiling and online medicine and in 2012/2013 he was a member of an official Review of the Analytical Capacity of HM Treasury (the UK’s Ministry of Finance). Hood is a Fellow of the British Academy, the Academy of the Social Sciences, and the National Academy of Public Administration (United States). In 2017, Hood gave the keynote speech at the third International Public Policy Conference in Singapore.
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