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Frank Fischer discusses "Climate Denial and Post Truth Challenges for Policy Science" in his plenary talk at the Fourth International Conference on Public Policy in Montreal, Canada.
Klein, N. (2011). Capitalism vs. the Climate. The Nation, 28(11), 2011.
Fischer, F. (2019). Knowledge politics and post-truth in climate denial: on the social construction of alternative facts. Critical Policy Studies, 13(2), 133-152.
Frank Fischer is a research scholar at the Institute of Advanced Sustainability Studies in Potsdam and a member of the food democracy research group at Humboldt University in Berlin. He has received numerous awards, including the Harold Lasswell Award for contributions to Public Policy Scholarship and the Aaron Wildavsky APSA Award for Contributions to the Field of Public Policy Studies. A founder of Critical Policy Studies journal, he currently serves as co-editor of the journal's Forum. His most recent books are "Handbook of Critical Policy Studies" (co-editor, Edward Elgar 2015) and "Climate Crisis and the Democratic Prospect" (Oxford 2017).
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