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The Winter School is organized in three different moments during the day.
Each morning from 9:00 to 10:00, all the participants will participate in the morning lectures.
After a coffee break, the participants are divided into two different groups and follow a course given by an international scholar from 10:15 to 12:15. They have to choose between:
The afternoon will be dedicated to a three-hour workshop on research design, during which participants will have the opportunity to present a paper for which they would like to receive constructive feedback from the other participants and the professor. This paper can be a doctoral thesis research project or a project of an article they would like to submit to a journal or present at a conference. The relevant size would be from 5.000 to 10.000 words and it must include a clear research question, a presentation of methodology, and some key arguments.
Participants who don't present a paper will discuss the papers presented with the professor. All the participants are expected to read the papers before the workshop to engage in constructive discussions.
Monday 19 |
Tuesday 20 |
Wednesday 21 |
Thursday 22 |
Friday 23 |
9:00 - 10:00 Welcome Speech |
9:00 - 10:00 Morning Lecture |
9:00 - 10:00 Morning Lecture |
9:00 - 10:00 Morning Lecture |
9:00 - 10:00 Morning Lecture |
10:00 - 10:15 Coffee Break |
10:00 - 10:15 Coffee Break |
10:00 - 10:15 Coffee Break |
10:00 - 10:15 Coffee Break |
10:00 - 10:15 Coffee Break |
10:15 - 12:15 Course |
10:15 - 12:15 Course |
10:15 - 12:15 Course |
10:15 - 12:15 Course |
10:15 - 12:15 Course |
12:15 - 14:00 Lunch |
12:15 - 14:00 Lunch |
12:15 - 14:00 Lunch |
12:15 - 14:00 Lunch |
12:15 - 14:00 Lunch |
14:00 - 15:30 Workshop on Research Design |
14:00 - 15:30 Workshop on Research Design |
14:00 - 17:00 Free Afternoon - Outdoor activities |
14:00 - 15:30 Workshop on Research Design |
14:00 - 16:00 Workshop on Research Design |
15:30 - 15:45 Coffee Break |
15:30 - 15:45 Coffee Break |
15:30 - 15:45 Coffee Break |
16:00 - 17:00 Conclusion |
15:45 - 17:15 Workshop on Research Design |
15:45 - 17:15 Workshop on Research Design |
15:45 - 17:15 Workshop on Research Design |
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