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The second edition of the Chiang Mai Winter School will take place from November 25 to November 29, 2024.
The call for applications open on September 9, 2024
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The second edition of the Chiang Mai International Winter School on Public Policy will be organized from 25 November to 29 November 2024 at the Chiang Mai University School of Public Policy.

The Summer School aims at providing the opportunity for PhD students and Early Career Researchers to advance their knowledge of Public Policy theories, concepts, and methodologies. Students will take part in workshops where they will discuss their research projects and receive feedback from both their peers and acclaimed scholars of public policy.

The Summer School is interactive and delivered by renowned international scholars namely, Eduardo Araral (Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore) and Xun Wu (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology). 

In the course of 5 days, Ph.D. students and Early Career Researchers will have the opportunity to attend the following activities:

  • Lectures from different International scholars on specific public policy approaches, concepts, and theories
  • Course by an International scholar on a particular issue.
  • Workshop sessions together with your group, giving the students the option to present their work to the group, and have their topic discussed by their peers and the professors or to participate in case studies. 

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