Summer cover


 The international scholars

Frank Fischer

Humboldt University, Germany

Frank Fischer has until recently been Distinguished Professor of Politics and Global Affairs at  Rutgers University in the USA. Currently, he is a research scholar at the Institute of Social  Sciences at Humboldt University in Berlin. He is co-editor of Critical Policy Studies journal and  Handbook of Public Policy Series editor for Edward Elgar. In addition to widely lecturing around the world on environmental politics and policy analysis, he has published 16 books and numerous essays. These include Citizens, Experts and the Environment (Duke 2000), Reframing Public Policy:  Discursive Politics and Deliberative Practices (Oxford 2003), Handbook of Public Policy Analysis:  Theory, Politics and Methods, co-edited with Mara Sidney and Gerald Miller (Taylor and Francis  2006), Democracy and Expertise: Reorienting Policy Inquiry (Oxford 2009), The Argumentative   Turn Revisited: Public Policy as Communicative Practice, co-edited with Herbert Gottweis (Duke  2012), the Handbook of Critical Policy Studies, co-edited with Douglas Torgerson, Anna Durnova and Michael Orsini ( Elgar 2015) and Climate Crisis and the Democratic Prospect (Oxford 2017). In addition to research in the United States and Germany, he has conducted field research in India,  Nepal and Thailand on citizen participation and local ecological knowledge. He has also received numerous awards, including the Harold Lasswell Award for contributions to the field.


Charlotte Halpern

Sciences Po, France


Charlotte Halpern holds a Ph.D. in political science and is an FNSP Associate Research Professor  (full tenure) at Sciences Po, Centre d’études européennes et de politique comparée (CEE), CNRS,  France. She teaches courses on public policy analysis, comparative urban governance and EU  policy-making. She has undertaken extensive research on state restructuring, policy change, and the selection of policy instruments, mainly in the field of environmental, transport and infrastructure policies in Europe and South America. Recent research projects included CREATE, a  European-funded project (under Horizon 2020) on "Congestion reduction in Europe", SYRACUSE, a  project funded by the French National Research Agency on "Networked symbioses adapted to sustainability-oriented urban contexts" and MEGOWAS on the "Metropolitan governance of water systems" (funded under USPC-NUS joint research projects). She has co-edited several books (e.g.,  Policy analysis in France, Policy press, 2018 with P. Hassenteufel and P. Zittoun; Policy instrumentation, Presses de Sciences Po, 2014 with P. Lascoumes and P. Le Galès), special issues and articles in academic journals (Comparative European Politics; West European Politics; Politique européenne; and chapters in peer-reviewed books. She is the scientific director of the Sciences Po Urban school’s Master program “Stratégies territoriales et urbaines” and of the Double Degree “Urban policies” with the London School of Economics.


Philippe Zittoun

University of Lyon, France


Philippe Zittoun is research Professor of political science at the LAET-ENTPE of the University of Lyon and the General Secretary of the International Public Policy Association (IPPA). He is co-editor of the International Series on Public Policy for Palgrave-McMillan and serves on the Editorial board of many scientific journals (Critical Policy Studies, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, Policy Studies Journal, Policy and Society, Policy Research Journal, etc.). He has been a visiting Professor at Yale University and has given lectures in different universities around the World. He has published 7 books and a large number of articles. His most recent books include "The Political Process of Policymaking, a pragmatic approach to public policy" (Palgrave 2014), "The Contemporary Approaches to Public Policy: Theories, Controversies, and Perspectives" (Palgrave, 2016) (with Guy Peters), and "Policy Analysis in France" (Policy Press, 2018). His studies focus on a constructivist and pragmatist approach to policy making. 

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