Summer cover



To apply

The Call for application is open. It is organised in 2 waves of application:

- from 20 August to 1 October 2018 : call for application 

- from 2 October to 20 October 2018 : late call for application (selection depending on availability)

To ensure your participation to the Winter School, we strongly advise you to apply as soon as possible.


The application and selection of PhD students and young scholars for the Winter School are based on their research project.


The applicant must submit a 3 to 5 pages long PDF document, in English, including :


1) a CV (one page)

2) a grant application (if applicable - see conditions below)

3) a short summary of the research project the applicant wants to discuss during the Winter School (2 pages long max). In case the applicant does not want to present a project, a short letter explaining the motivation to attend the courses and workshops must be submitted.


The summary of the research project must underscore:


- The research question: What issues does the project seek to highlight and why? These could be theoretical research questions or methodological questions. 
- In what context do these issues occur? The proposal should present the context in which these issues are found and justify why, taking into account this context, the issue is relevant.
- What is the scientific relevance of the research question? The document should present a brief state-of-the-art and identify specific expected contributions and the approaches and concepts mobilized.
- What will the research project contribute to existing studies? What kind of hypotheses does the project explore? Why are these original and how will they help highlight different aspects of the main research question?
- Which methods will be used? 


To note: You will be asked to send a more detailed presentation of the research project or article that you will present during the workshop (approx. 5 to 10 pages long), once selected, by December 20.



To apply:

1) Log in or create an IPPA account,

2) Click to "I want to apply to this Summer School" button (at the top of the page)

3) Follow the procedures outlined above (the application folder should be maximum 3 to 5 pages in one PDF). Please indicate the document title as follows: Surname_Project Research Title

4) Indicate the course you want to attend by order of your preference. Indicate an order of preference from 1 to 3 in front of each course. You can put 0 if you are really not interested in one course or an equal "1" if two courses interest you. We will try to do our best to offer you your first choice, or the second if the first is not available. Please note that each course will take place only if there are enough applicants for it.


Results of Call for Applications

- 3 October : results of the first call for application

- 23 October : final results of the call for application



Registration Fees and expenses


The registration fee for the International Winter School is: 

320€ for all IPPA members (individual and institutional)
450€ for non-IPPA members 


The cost of accommodation is :

- Double shared room: 400€ (100€/night) for 4 nights, from Monday to Friday, including all breakfasts, lunches, and dinners.


Additional options available:

- Single room for 4 nights (limited upon availability): + 100€ (25€/night) for 4 nights
- Additional day (Sunday 6th January) in a double shared room (including dinner and breakfast): + 100€
- Additional day (Sunday 6th) in a single room (including dinner and breakfast): +125€ 


 Pay in 3 times possible. In any case, to confirm your registration the first payment must be received by October 31 at the latest.


Grant opportunity


IPPA opens the possibility to applicants who do not receive any funding from their University or whose fees will not be paid by their University or Research Institute, to apply for a grant.


The grant will cover from 20 up to 50 % of the total amount (fees and accommodation).


To apply, please include a cover letter in your application folder.




In the unfortunate event of you not being able to attend our Summer School, even after paying the registration fees, we will process the refunds for you according to the General Refund Rules listed below:


General Refund Rules
IPPA Membership Fees cannot be refunded under any circumstances.

Before 7th November 2018: 100% reimbursement of registration fees, lunches and accommodation (except IPPA membership fees)
Between 7th to 30th November 2018: 50% reimbursement of registration fees, lunches and accommodation (except IPPA membership fees)
After 1st December 2018: NO reimbursements will be made.

Partial refunds are not possible (refund of only lunch, night, etc).
If you have taken a refund during one payment period, you will not be able to re-register in the same payment period.
Special refund considerations can be made for people encountering visa problems or with personal emergencies. Proof has to be presented for the same and the final decision on the refund rests with the Association.
All disputes arising out of the registration process will be subjected to laws in the Republic of France.


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