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Since 2018, IPPA has been collaborating with the Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies of the University of Padova for the implementation of its summer school Venizia-Padova edition. The main objective of the Summer School is to provide advice and knowledge to Ph.D. students and young scholars on Public Policy theories, concepts, and methodologies to analyze public policy.

The first edition took place from July 9 to 15, 2018, gathering 5 research teachers and 16 Phd from Italy (3), Turkey (3), Germany (2), Netherlands (2), Ghana (1), Croatia (1), Canada (1), the UK (1), Belgium (1) and the USA (1). 4 courses were given:

  • Patterns of policy formulation and change: mechanisms and dynamics by Gilberto Capano, University of Bologna
  • Learning in policymaking. From formulation to evaluation by Claire Dunlop, University of Exeter
  • Learning for what? by Claire Dunlop, University of Exeter
  • Collective entrepreneurship and learning: the environmental policymaking processes by Anthony Zito, Newcastle University

The second edition was held from July 8 to 13, 2019. 19 Phd's from Europe (6), America (2), Asia (1) and Africa (1) were able to take the following courses taught by renowned academics :

  • Innovation and Learning: a transnational approach by Susana Borras, Copenhagen Business School and Claudio M. Radaelli, European University Institute
  • Theories, actors and processes of learning in public policy by Claudio M. Radaelli, European University Institute
  • Governance architectures for policy learning by Susana Borras, Copenhagen Business School and Claudio M. Radaelli, European University Institute
  • Customization and problem-solving in the European Union by Eva Thomann, University of Konstanz
  • Mechanisms of policy innovation in practice by Bruno Dente, Polimi

In 2020, due to the Coronavirus outbreak and its impact in most regions of the world, IPPA and the University of Padova decided with much regret, to postpone the third edition of the Venizia-Padova Summer School. 

After a year break due to the pandemic, the International Summer School finally took place again in Italy, from 4 to 8 July 2022, in a hybrid format enabling 24 Phd students from Europe (16), Asia (4), America (2) and Africa (1), to take the following courses : 

  • Policy Integration at Stake, by Philipp Trein, University of Lausanne
  • Policy Design and the Integration of Tools in Policy Mixes, by Michael Howlett, Simon Fraser University
  • Policy integration revisited, by Jeroen Candel, Wageningen University
  • Horizontal and Vertical Integration for Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals, by Jale Tosun, Heidelberg University

The fourth edition occurred from July 3 to 7, 2023, and brought together 17 participants coming from Brazil, Canada, France, Hong Kong, Iceland, India, Italy, Qatar, Slovenia, UK, and USA. The Summer School featured roundtables and three courses delivered by distinguished scholars:

  1. Policy Capacity at the Local Level: Theory and Practice by Madeleine Pill (University of Sheffield).
  2. Policy Capacity: A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Policy Competences and Capabilities by Mike Howlett (Simon Fraser University).
  3. Generating Policy Capacity through Collaboration with Interest Groups: Advantages and Pitfalls by Carsten Daugbjerg (Copenhagen University).







These events were sponsored by the Veneto Region Assembly and the Italian Political Science Association.


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