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A limited number of grants are available for the summer school participants. You can read the instructions to apply and the eligibility criteria on this page. 

To apply

Grant requests must be included in your application for the Winter School.

To apply, you must submit:

  • A short letter of motivation stating that you do not receive any financial support from your university and explaining why you are applying for the grant;
  • An abstract of your research project. The quality of your abstract will be a key part of the selection process.  

*Please note that to ensure their participation, grant recipients will be required to become IPPA Individual Members. 

Eligibility Criteria

IPPA is pleased to announce that a limited number of grants will be available for PhD students, who do not receive any financial support from their university. The grants will cover the registration fee of the Summer School.

To be eligible, the candidate must:

  • Be a PhD student
  • Does not receive any funding from their university to attend the Summer School

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