Summer Cover

How to apply

The Call for applications closes on April 28th.

Applications to attend the International Summer School on Public Policy-Padova 2025 are now opened. The selection of the participants will be based on the CV and cover letter of the applicants and will be announced after the end of the call for applications. Attendance to the Summer School will be confirmed upon registration. The number of places is limited to 20. 

To apply to the Summer School - Padova 2025, please follow the steps below:

  1. Log in or create an IPPA User Account
  2. Click on the "I want to apply" button
  3. Fill in the form and upload it in a single pdf (approximately 3 pages long) named as your last name_SSPadova2025:
    • A short CV.
    • A cover letter explaining your motivations for participating in the summer school and containing the title of the PhD or research project the participant plans to discuss in the summer school.
    • If you want to apply for a grant, please include in the same PDF file a short motivation letter, clearly stating that you will not receive support from your institution and the reasons for applying for the grant. 


Information - Submit your paper

Selected applicants must include an abstract in their application.

Length of the final submissions:

  • For research projects: at least 10 pages long
  • For articles: 7 000 to 10 000 words, in compliance with international standards. 

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