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Palazzo Ferro Fini-Venezia
9.15: Welcome Address, Roberto Ciambetti, President of the Legislative Assembly of the Veneto Region
9.30 – 10.00: Presentation of the Summer School and introduction, Maria Stella Righettini, Summer School local coordinator and Italian Political Science Association Standing Group of Public Policy coordinator and Philippe Zittoun, General Secretary of IPPA
10.15 – 12.45: Keynote Speech, "The governance of change: theories and approaches" by Susana Borras
12.45 - 14.30: Lunch
14.30 – 16.30: Lecture on "Innovation and Learning: a transnational approach" by Susana Borras and Claudio M. Radaelli
16.30: Visit to Piazza San Marco - Venice
9.30 – 12.30: Lecture on "Theories, actors and processes of learning in public policy" by Claudio M. Radaelli
12.30-14.30: Lunch
14.30 – 16.30: Lecture on "Governance architectures for policy learning" by Susana Borras and Claudio M. Radaelli
16.45 – 18.15: Working Groups coordinated by Claudio M. Radaelli, Susana Borras, Maria Stella Righettini (tutors - Ekaterina Domorenok, Giorgia Nesti)
9.30 – 12.30: Roundtable on "Democratic Governance and Policy Innovation" with Susana Borras, Claudio M. Radaelli, Paolo R. Graziano and Philippe Zittoun
12.30-14.30: Lunch
14.30 – 16.00: Workshop on "Editorial trends on Governance, Learning and Policy Innovation, Tips for publication" by Paolo R. Graziano and Claudio M. Radaelli and Susana Borras
18.00: Visit to the Giotto’s Scrovegni Chappel
9.30 – 12.30: Lecture on "Customization and problem-solving in the European Union" by Eva Thomann
12.30-14.30: Lunch
14.30 – 17.30: Case Study on "Governance, learning and policy change in energy transitions" by Andrea Prontera
18.00: Visit to the Botanic Garden
9.30 – 12.30: Lecture on "Mechanisms of policy innovation in practice" by Bruno Dente (Polimi)
12.30-14.30: Lunch
14.30 – 18.30: Working Groups coordinated by Maria Stella Righettini and Ekaterina Domorenok (tutors)
9.00-13.00: Groups’ Presentations and Discussion with Eva Thomann
13.00 – 13.30: Closing Remarks
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