Summer cover


E-Atelier: "Policy Design" by Guy Peters

This e-atelier will cover the basic issues of design, such as the analysis of policy problems, the selection of instruments, the evaluation of outcomes, and the selection of intervention strategies. The discussion will also focus to some extent on "new" collaborative forms of designing. During the E-Atelier, each participant will present his/her research project focusing on policy process and will be discussed by the group. 

Number of Ph.D. Students: 10

Document required to apply: 1 or 2 pages (pdf format) on your specific interests in policy design.

If selected, you will be required to send 10 to 15 pages (pdf format) on your Research Project in Policy Design

Format: 3 sessions of 2 hours each via ZOOM

Date: Week of May 18

Timetable: To Be Determined but between 08:30 – 15:00 EDT-US

E-Atelier: "Studying Public Policy Process with Constructivist Approaches" by Philippe Zittoun

This e-atelier focuses on how to study Policy Processes by mobilising different qualitative perspectives, from Constructivist to Pragmatic Approaches. Its main objective is to identify and discuss how we can empirically and methodologically grasp the policy process by observing and defining the struggles around the problem but also around the meaning of proposed solutions. Special attention will be paid to the building of coalitions, existing powerful dimensions, and the solutions to the different challenges encountered along their path.

During the E-Atelier, each participant will present his/her research project focusing on policy process and will be discussed by the group. 

Number of Ph.D. Students: 10

Document required to apply: 1 or 2 pages (pdf format) on your specific interests in policy process

If selected, you will be required to send  10 to 15 pages (pdf format) on your Research Project in Policy Process

Format: 3 sessions of 2 hours each via ZOOM

Date: To Be Determined

Timetable: To be determined CET working hours

E-Atelier: “Policy Transfer: Models and Modalities” by Leslie Pal

This e-atelier will focus on the circulation of policy models through transfer or diffusion which has been of rapidly growing interest in the field, at least since Richard Rose’s Lesson Drawing in Public Policy (1993), and accelerating as the pace of globalization and global public policy quickened (see Hadjiisky, M., Pal, L. A., & Walker, C. (eds.). Public Policy Transfer: Micro-Dynamics and Macro-Effects (2017). What actually circulates, why, how, by whom, and to what effect are some of the key questions we will be addressing, along with newer themes that push the research agenda into fresh spaces (see “Novas fronteiras e direções na pesquisa sobre transferência, difusão e circulação de políticas públicas: agentes, espaços, resistência e traduções – “New frontiers and directions in policy transfer, diffusion and circulation research: agents, spaces, resistance, and translations)”, (with O. Porto de Oliveira) Revista de Administração Pública, 52(2), (2018) 199-220. DOI: 761220180078). Students completing Ph.D. research on a theme related to policy transfer are invited to participate. The atelier will briefly review the literature and recent themes (including the impact of the pandemic), but engage mostly with student presentations and commentary to support their research agenda.

Number of Ph.D. Students: 8

Documents required to apply: 500 words abstract of research and Powerpoint for the presentation online

Format: 3 sessions of 2 hours each via ZOOM

Date: June 4-8, 2020

Timetable: 09:00 - 05:00 AST (Arabic Standard Time)

E-Atelier: “How policies change: Actors, Drivers, and Mechanisms” by Giliberto Capano

The focus of this e-Atelier is on the way through which policies change with a specific analytical emphasis on whether and how different theoretical frameworks (theories of institutional change, advocacy coalitions, punctuated equilibrium framework, multiple stream approach, etc.) set together actors, causal drivers and eventually mechanisms.

Number of Ph.D. Students: 6

Documents required to apply: CV and Ph.D. Project (in one pdf format)

Format: 3 sessions of 2 hours each via ZOOM

Date: Second or third week of May 2020

Timetable: 15:00-17:00 pm (CET)

E-Atelier: “Policy Learning in times of crisis” by Claudio Radaelli

This e-atelier is dedicated to doctoral students and post-docs. We will discuss the concept of policy learning, how we identify learning empirically, and the different modes in which political actors, bureaucracies, and societies learn. We will then examine how policy learning is possible under situations dominated by wicked problems and crisis, that is, learning within a crisis (when decisions have to be taken in a short time) and between a crisis and the next. Empirically, we will examine the crisis of the Eurozone, the COVID-19 crisis and the Brexit process.

Number of Ph.D. students and Post-Docs: 10

Documents required to apply: 500 words motivation paper (why you want to take this course)

Format: 3 sessions of 2 hours each via ZOOM

Date: Second week of June

Timetable: 16:30 - 18:30 GMT (UK)

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