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Established in 1991, Sciences Po Lille is a public and highly selective « Grande Ecole ». Sciences Po Lille is connected to the University of Lille 2 and participates in the University of Lille project and also to the Universities and Establishments Community of Lille (COMUE). It offers a high-level of educational training for 5 years which prepares students for careers in the fields of national, European and international administration. Sciences Po Lille also prepares its students for leadership and managerial positions of companies as well as careers in education and research.
The Lille Center for European Research on Administration, Politics and Society (CERAPS) is a joint research unit of the Lille 2 University and of the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). It is the largest CNRS laboratory in political science, sociology and public law in the north of Paris. The Center includes about fifty university professors and CNRS full-time research fellows in political science, public law and sociology and on average sixty PhD students. Its research program is organized around three themes : 'Health, Body and Environment'; 'Mobilizations, Activism, Representation'; and 'Legal Orders, Social Orders'.
For further information please visit the website.
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