The first English-language book on policy analysis in Thailand is now released!

Policy analysis in Thailand


This book engages in a detailed, comprehensive and current study of policy analysis in the country. Providing a broad view of history, styles and methods, it examines policy analysis both within and beyond executive government, revealing the role of parties, the military and interest groups.




“This is a rich collection of essays on the complex world of public policy in Thailand, which has many institutions and practices not found elsewhere. It is a valuable contribution to the small but growing literature on the public policy process in developing countries.”


M. Ramesh, National University of Singapore and International Public Policy Association


“A significant contribution to Asian policy literature that makes an important start towards correcting the Western bias prominent in public policy studies. It will be essential reading to both scholars and students of policy processes.”


Frank Fischer, Humboldt University


“This book offers useful insights into the theory and practice of policy analysis in Thailand. It will be an essential resource for academics and for future development and innovation.”


Yu-Ying Kuo, National Taipei University


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