Articles and books

An, S., T. Chubarova, B. Deacon and P.Stubbs (eds.) (2019) Social Policy, Poverty and Inequality in Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. ibidem books.

Bevir, M., and R.A.W Rhodes. 2000. Interpretive Theory. (Direct Download) Chapter in David Marsh and Gerry Stoker (eds.), Theories and Methods in Political Science. London, Macmillan.

Boosabong, P. and P. Chamchong. 2019. The practice of deliberative policy analysis in the context of political and cultural challenges: Lessons from Thailand. Policy Studies.40(5): 476–491.

Boosabong, P. and P. Chamchong. 2021. Public policy in the face of post-truth politics and the role of deliberation. Critical Policy Studies, 15(1): 107–124.

Carstensen, M. and Schmidt, V. A. (2016) “Power through, over and in ideas: Conceptualizing ideational power in discursive institutionalism,” Journal of European Public Policy vol. 23, no. 3: 318-337,

Coule, T.M, J. Dodge, and A. Eikenberry. 2020. Toward a Typology of Critical Nonprofit Studies: A Literature Review. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.

Dodge, J., and T. Metze. 2016. Dynamic Discourse Coalitions on hydro-fracking in Europe and the United States. Environmental Communication. 10 (3): 365-379.

Durnová A. 2019.Unpacking emotional contexts of post-truth, Critical Policy Studies, 13:4, 447-450.

Durnová, A. 2018. Understanding Emotions in Policy Studies through Foucault and Deleuze, Politics & Governance,Volume 6, Issue 4, Pages 95–102.

Durnová, A. Czech Post-communist Trouble with Participatory Governance. Toward an Analysis of the Cultural Agency of Policy Discourses. Policy Studies, online first.

Elías, M. V. 2023. Opening the “black box” of public administration: The need for interpretive research. Public AdministrationDOI:10.1111/padm.12959. 

Fischer, F, D. Torgerson, A. Durnova, and M. Orsini, eds. 2015. Handbook of Critical Policy Studies, Edward Elgar, 2015.

Fischer, F. 1999. Evaluating Public Policy. Chicago: Nelson-Hall.

Fischer, F. 2020. The Risk of Progressive Reversal. Great Transition Initiative: Toward a Transformative Vision and Praxis.

Fischer, F. & Mandell, A. 2009.Michael Polanyi's Republic of Science: The Tacit Dimension, Science as Culture, 18:1, 23-46, DOI: 10.1080/09505430802705889

Fording, R. C. and S. F. Schram. Hard White: The Mainstreaming of Racism in American Politics (Oxford 2020).

Hajer, M. A. 1995. The Politics of Environmental Discourse: Ecological Modernization and the Policy Process. Oxford University Press.

Hajer, M. A. 2004. Discourse Analysis and the Study of Policy Making. European Political Science. 2 (1): 61-65.

Miller, H. T. 2020. Narrative Politics in Public Policy: Legalizing Cannabis. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Miller, H. T. 2020. Policy Narratives: The Perlocutionary Agents of Political Discourse. Critical Policy Studies Open access for first 50 downloads.

Plehwe, D. 2011. Transnational discourse coalitions and monetary policy: Argentina and the limited powers of the ‘Washington Consensus’, Critical Policy Studies, 5:2, 127-148, DOI: 10.1080/19460171.2011.576521

Plehwe, D. 2014. Think tank networks and the knowledge–interest nexus: the case of climate change, Critical Policy Studies, 8:1, 101-115, DOI: 10.1080/19460171.2014.883859

Schmidt, V. A. 2008. Discursive Institutionalism: The Explanatory Power of Ideas and Discourse,” Annual Review of Political Science vol. 11 (2008): 303-26. 

Schmidt, V. A. 2020. Interpretivism in Motion: Discursive Institutionalism as the Fourth ‘New’ Institutionalism. Chapter for Interpreting Politics: Embedded Knowledge, India, and the Rudolph Legacy eds. John Echeverri-Gent and Sadiq Kamal. New Delhi: Oxford University Press (forthcoming)

Stubbs, P. 2019. Towards a Political Economy of Welfare in Croatia. Economic Annals 64; 105-136

Stubbs, P. and D. Vidovoic. 2017.Social Enterprise in Transition. Društvena istraživanja 26(2); 143-163

Yanow, D. and P. Schwartz-Shea, eds., 2014. Interpretation and method: Empirical research methods and the interpretive turn. Second Edition. New York: M.E. Sharpe.

Yanow, D. Conducting Interpretive Policy Analysis. Sage 2000.

Zittoun, P, F. Fischer and N. Zahariadis, eds. 2021. The Political Formulation of Policy Solutions: Arguments, Arenas, and Coalitions. Bistrol: Policy Press.

Zittoun, P., Chailleux S., 2021, The Politics of Meaning struggles,  Edward Elgar 

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