Peer Review Policy

Peer Review Policy

Once a paper is submitted by Author, the Editor(s) checks the paper’s composition and arrangement against the journal’s submission guidelines. In particular, we check the presence of required sections and stylisations; that the paper is within the scope of the journal; and that it is sufficiently original and topical. If not, the paper may be rejected without being reviewed any further. A designated Editor-in-Chief will take care of the review process from this point onwards. The designated Editor-in-Chief assigns at least two Referees for manuscript review according to their expertise. The referees shall be experts in the given field and, if possible, they should not be institutionally or personally associated with the author. Referees are asked to evaluate the manuscript and provide constructive anonymised comments for the author. The paper is double-blind reviewed and recommendation sent to Editor.


As a result of the peer review process, the possible decisions are:

(i) Accepted

(ii) Minor Revision

(iii) Major Revision

(iv) Rejected.


The Editor-in-Chief makes a final decision when appropriate consulting with the other Editors and one or more members of the Scientific Committee and sends a notification to the author. This decision is sent to the author along with any recommendations made by the referees. The above process ensures that all submissions are considered transparently, fairly and on merit.


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