Sciences Po Grenoble

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Institutional Member

Located in the heart of the campus and home to 1,800 full-time students from all regions of France and 150 exchange students from more than 100 partner institutions around the world, the IEPG is a prestigious center for education and research in the social and political sciences.


Admission to the IEPG for degree candidates is by competitive exam and students generally complete a five-year program of study leading to a Master’s degree in one of 15 areas of specialization, including European Studies, Non-Governmental and Inter-Governmental Organizations, Comparative Politics, Social Economics, Public Policy, Arts Administration, Journalism, Public Opinion Surveys and Research, Latin American Studies, and Legal and Financial Management.


IEPG is part of the IDEX project since January 2016 :
Our IDEX project is focused clearly and exclusively on creating a single world-class university: Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA). This university will reinforce our capacity to attract leading scholars and students, develop ground-breaking research and competitive curricula and promote a specific identity focused on innovation. UGA will be a fully integrated institution with single research and education strategies and clear decision-making processes.


For further information please visit the website.

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