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Directed by Anne Revillard, the Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Public Policy (LIEPP) is a research platform at Sciences Po funded under the "Investissements d'avenir" programme of the French National Research Agency. Created in 2011, this laboratory is being redeployed since 2020 in partnership with Université de Paris.
LIEPP is based on an innovative approach to evaluative research: articulating quantitative, qualitative and comparative methods; confronting disciplinary views on the evaluated policies; and promoting the cross-fertilization of methodological and theoretical knowledge from different disciplines,with those from the international field of evaluation.
Beyond the diversity of the policies studied (six research groups : discriminations and category-based policies, educational policies, environmental policies, evaluation of democracy, health policies and socio-fiscal policies), this cross-cutting methodological reflection is central for LIEPP. LIEPP is thus working to better anchor the evaluation approach in academic research in social sciences. It also works in conjunction with the experimental sciences, particularly in the context of collaboration between University of Paris and Sciences Po.
The projects carried out at LIEPP combine a high level of scientific rigour with a concern for disseminating and translating the results of research to public actors and civil society.
LIEPP participates in public debate and reflections on evaluation involving other actors (administrative, parliamentary, NGOs, etc.), with a view to promoting the evaluation process and improving its quality.
By funding very open calls for projects, LIEPP gives a voice to fundamental research in defining the evaluation agenda. This diversification of the sources of empirical investigation on public policy is a democratic issue.
For further information, please visit the website
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