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IPPA is an non-profit organisation created in december 2014 at Paris. It is an Association governed by the French Law of the 1st July 1901. Its constitution was voted the 20th December 2014 and modified on the 16th November 2016 and on the 13th March 2023.
The Association is governed by the law of the 1st July 1901 and of this constitution.
The goals of the association are:
The name of the association is : International Public Policy Association (IPPA)
Its headquarters is : ENTPE, 2 rue Maurice Audin, 69120 Vaulx en Velin, France
The headquarters may be changed by the decision of the Executive Committee at any time. This change must be ratified by the College.
The activities of the association include but are not limited to organizing conferences and meetings, developing publications in public policy and mediums of communication such as a website, newsletters, and social networks etc.
The members of the association can be individuals or organizations.
Individual Membership shall be withdrawn, by
Institutional Membership shall be withdrawn by
Partnership shall be withdrawn by
The association is governed by a College and an Executive Committee
The association is managed by a College composed of:
A maximum of 24 individual members elected for four year terms renewable once by votes of the individual members of the association, with half of the members renewed every two years. The members elected should represent the diversity of continents and countries of the entire membership, the diversity of policy approaches, and take into account the need for gender equity. For the first election, half of the elected members will be chosen by lot for a two year term only, thus allowing a rotation
Each Institutional Member can nominate a representative in the College. To do this, the Institutional Member must submit a request to the Executive Committee to validate it and to determine the period of the mandate.
Each “partner” who requests so may be represented in the College by decision of the Executive Committee without voting rights
Each Member of the Executive Committee is automatically member of the College with the right to vote.
The College elects from its members for a non-renewable four years term an Executive Committee composed of a minimum of 12 members with half of the members renewed every two years.
The previous president is also a member by right of the Executive Committee for a two-year term.
The Executive Committee elects a President from college members for two years term renewable once. The President is automatically member of the Executive Committee with the right to vote.
The Executive Committee elects from its members and on the proposal of the President
At least one vice-president
A treasurer
The Executive Committee can appoint individuals to perform specific task useful for the Association. The duration and the task are defined by the Executive Committee. These nominated persons become member of the Executive Committee and of the College with the right to vote.
The Executive Committee must appointed a general secretary for a six years period. The General Secretary assists to the Executive Committee and the college and has the right to vote.
The President is responsible for the ongoing operation of the Association between meetings of the College.
The Vice-Presidents of the Association may serve as delegates of the President and assume responsibilities in case of unavailability of the President.
The Treasurer manages the budget, the financial records, and the accounts of the Association. He or she must deliver a financial report to the College on a regular basis.
The General Secretary- serves as the chief administrative officer and manager of the Association’s staff and affairs on a day-to-day basis and shall be responsible for operational matters as described within the Constitution or determined by the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee will meet at least once a year. The President serves as the Chair of the Executive Committee and calls its meetings.
The College will meet at least every two years. The meeting is called and chaired by the President or his/her delegate.
To validate decisions, half of the members must be present or represented.
Exceptional meetings may be called from time to time by the President or by a two-third majority of members of the College.
The College is responsible for setting the overall direction for the Association.
Motions for deliberation by the College at its regular meetings will be set by its Executive Committee or by the President and circulated amongst the members at least one week prior to the meeting.
Motions for Special Meetings must be approved by a two-third majority of the College and included in the agenda issued at least one week prior to that meeting.
At its meetings, the College will deliberate on the report of activities presented by the President, the financial report presented by the Treasurer and other matters as well as discussion about an agenda provided by the President.
Opportunity will be provided at each College meeting to place additional items on the agenda by decision of the President or by majority vote of the members present.
The General Assembly is the meeting of all the members of the Association.
The General Assembly of the Association is convoked at least every two years by the Executive Committee, generally during the International Conference (ICPP), or by a written request signed by no fewer than one- quarter of the Association membership.
The agenda of the General Assembly is proposed by the President.
The General Assembly will include a report by the President on the activities and on the budget of the association by the Treasurer since the last General Assembly.
The report will be available to be read by all members of the Association.
The regular revenue of the Association is constituted by, among others the following sources:
All revenues are managed by the Association through its bank accounts.
Members of the Association will not receive any remuneration for their activities on behalf of the Association, except for the Secretary General, who manages its daily activities.
Members may be reimbursed for expenses incurred in the case of a mission assigned by the President or the Board.
The Secretary General may receive compensation in accordance with the French administrative tolerance system known as "three-quarters of the minimum wage."
This constitution may be modified only at a meeting of the College. Amendments will be proposed by the Executive Committee and must be passed with the support of two-thirds of the members present at the meeting of the College, or by special resolution of the General Assembly.
The Association may be dissolved only by a meeting convoked solely for that purpose by the President.
In these circumstances, dissolution can only be approved by a vote of the two-third members present or proxies.
In the event of a dissolution, the College will devolve the Association’s assets to another association of work pursuig a goal close to that of IPPA.
End of the Constitution
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