Conference cover

List of workshops

T01 - Policy Process, Policy Making, Policy Implementation

W01. SDG Education for Global Citizenship: Policy Transfer and Knowledge Localization

Leslie Pal (Hamad Bin Khalifa University)

Evren Tok (Hamad Bin Khalifa University)

W02. Constructivist and Pragmatist Approaches of Policy Process

Patrick Hassenteufel (Université Paris-Saclay)

Philippe Zittoun (ENTPE - Ecole de l'aménagement durable des territoires)

Christopher Ansell (University of California, Berkeley)

W03. The politics behind problem structuring. Construction and effects of problem structures in policy design and implementation

Sabrina Kirschke (Museum für Naturkunde – Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science)

Hannah Kosow (Universität Stuttgart)

W04. Policy Processes in Authoritarian Settings

Annemieke van den Dool (Duke Kunshan University)

Caroline Schlaufer (University of Bern)

W05. Climate Policy Integration at stake

Gilles Massardier

hrabanski marie (CIRAD)

Alexandra Lesnikowski (Concordia University)

W06. Public policies for hybrid governance

Jan-Erik Johanson (Tampere University)

Jarmo Vakkuri (Tampere University, Faculty of Management and Business)

Tero Erkkilä (University of Helsinki)

W07. Policy Implementation in the Global South

Lorena Torres Bernardino (UMR Triangle / CNRS / Sciences Po Lyon)

Amal Ennabih (Sciences Po Lyon / UMR Triangle / CNRS)

Karol Fayolle Cortes (Sciences Po Lyon / UMR Triangle / CNRS)

W09. Policy learning in contemporary policy contexts: Where? How? And for whom?

Claudio Radaelli (School of Transnational Governance, EUI (Italy) and University College London (UK))

Claire Dunlop (University of Exeter)

Bishoy Zaki (Ghent University)

W10. Policy Entrepreneurship and Agency in Theories of the Policy Process

Gordon Shockley (Arizona State U.)

Evangelia Petridou (NTNU Social Research and Mid Sweden University)

W11. Regime transitions and public policies

Zoltan Adam (Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary)

Zsolt Boda (HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences)


Joseph Obosi (University of Nairobi)

Gerda Van Dijk (University of Pretoria)

Olivia Opere (Kenyatta University)

T02 - Comparative Public Policy

W01. Street-level bureaucracy in weak institutions

Rik Peeters (CIDE)

GABRIELA LOTTA (Getulio Vargas Foundation)

Fernando Nieto Morales (El Colegio de México)

W02. What to learn from the ‘natural experiment’ of the COVID-19 pandemic - implications for theories and methods of comparative health policy

Viola Burau (Aarhus University )

Ellen Kuhlmann (Medizinische Hochschule Hannover)


Daniel Meyer (University of Wisconsin - Madison)

Mia Hakovirta (University of Turku)

Christine Skinner

W04. Policy and capacity dismantling in the context of democratic backsliding

Michelle Morais de Sa e Silva (The University of Oklahoma)

Alexandre Gomide (National School of Public Administration (ENAP))

W05. Institutions, Paradigms and Actors: Crafting Models to explaining policy change:

Norma Munoz del Campo (Universidad de Santiago de Chile)

Melina de Souza Rocha Lukic (York University)

Carla Tomazini (University of Warwick)

T04 - Public Administration, Governance, Networks

W01. Promoting, regulating and standardizing emerging technologies

Jona van Laak (FOM University of Applied Sciences)

Stefan Wurster (The Bavarian School of Public Policy)

Hanna Hottenrott (Technische Universität München)

W02. The Determinants and Effects of Institutional Arrangements

Mattia Casula (Università di Bologna)

Yves Steinebach (LMU München - GSI)

T05 - Policy Design, Evaluation, Policy Analysis

W01. Evidence based policies: a realistic perspective on knowledge utilisation in public policy

Maria Tullia Galanti (Università degli Studi di Milano)

Valerie Pattyn (Institute of Public Administration - Leiden University)

W02. Policy Design in the Face of Malignancy and Malicious Policy-Making Behaviour: Managing Inherent Policy Risks

Michael Howlett (Simon Fraser University)

Tim Legrand (University of Adelaide)

M. Jae Moon (Yonsei University)

W03. Understanding Health Governance: Instruments for Steering Health Policy

Azad Singh Bali (University of Melbourne)

M Ramesh (LKY School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore)

T06 - Policy & Politics

W02. Gender public policies of the 21st century: advances and challenges

Anelise Gregis Estivalet (Stanford University)

W03. Emotional policies and politics of emotions in times of crisis

Anna Durnová (University of Vienna)

Christopher Weible (University of Colorado Denver)

Eva M. Hejzlarová (Charles University Prague)

T07 - Urban Policy, Urban Governance

W01. Local Governments Response to Impact of COVID-19: Mitigation and Adaptation Policies

Glendal Wright (Bankworld, Inc)

Maria Antónia Almeida (Universidade do Minho)

Tony Gore (Sheffield Hallam University)

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