Conference cover

List of workshops

T01 - Policy Process , Policy & Politics, Policymaking, Policy implentation

W01. Overreaction in Politics and Policy

Moshe Maor (Reichman University)

Bryan Jones (University of Texas at Austin)

W02. The politics of Solution Definition: Shaping the hidden side of the Policy Agenda

Philippe Zittoun (ENTPE - Ecole de l'aménagement durable des territoires)

Nicholas Buchanan (University of Freiburg)

Frank Fischer (Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany and Humboldt University Berlin)

W03. Bad Governance, State Capacity Deficits and Public Policy Management Problems in Developing Countries: What Do We Know?

Luciano Andrenacci (Universidad Nacional de General San Martín)

Julian Bertranou (National University of San Martín, Argentina; National University of Cuyo)

W06. Theories of policy change and Implementation

Fritz Sager (University of Bern)

Anat Gofen (Hebrew University)

Christopher Weible (University of Colorado Denver)

W07. Bringing policy actors back in. Relevance and prospects of actor-centered approaches in policy studies

Jose Luis Mendez (El Colegio de Mexico)

Patrick Hassenteufel (Université Paris-Saclay)

W08. Policy Feedback and Policy Dynamics: Methodological and Theoretical Challenges

Sebastian Sewerin (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich)

Benjamin Cashore (National University of Singapore)

Daniel Béland (McGill University)

W09. The causes and effects of policy learning: Building an interdisciplinary theory

Claire Dunlop (University of Exeter)

Stéphane Moyson (Université Catholique de Louvain)

Claudio Radaelli (School of Transnational Governance, EUI (Italy) and University College London (UK))

W10. Institutional innovation to tackle complex public problems in Latin America

Cristina Zurbriggen (Universidad de la Republica)

María Mancebo (Universidad de la República)

W11. Governance Modes, Policy Styles and Policy Mixes: Next Generation Policy Instrument Studies

Michael Howlett (Simon Fraser University)

Giliberto Capano (Università di Bologna)

T02 - Comparative Public Policy

W12. Methodology for comparative policy analysis

Guillaume Fontaine (FLACSO Ecuador)

B. Guy Peters (University of Pittsburgh)

W13. Policy Capacity: Determinants and Effects

M Ramesh (LKY School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore)

Natalia Koga (Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA) and ENAP)

Kidjie Saguin (University of Melbourne)

W14. Coordination and integration of policies and administrative units. Towards a comparative assessment of countries and policy fields

Philipp Trein (University of Lausanne)

Martino Maggetti (University of Lausanne)

W15. Towards an urban policy analysis: Linking urban politics and public policy

David Kaufmann (ETH Zürich)

Mara Sidney (Rutgers University)

T03 - Wicked Problem and Agenda Setting

W17. Problem Structuring in Public Policy: Solving Wicked Problems

William Dunn (University of Pittsburgh)

W18. The Construction of Public Problems: When Emotions Transform Territorial Policy

Nathalie Burlone (University of Ottawa)

Anne Mevellec (University of Ottawa)

T04 - Public Administration, Governance, Networks

W19. Representative Bureaucracy in Comparative Perspective: Where and How Does it Work?

Eckhard Schroeter (German University of the Police)

Maximilian Nagel (Helmut-Schmidt University Hamburg)

W20. Local and Regional Govenace, Collaboration, and Policy Instrument Choices

Richard Feiock (Florida State University)

T05 - Policy Design, Evaluation, other

W21. Emergency Management, Disaster, and Policy

Gina Yannitell Reinhardt (University of Essex)

Ashley Ross (Texas A&M University Galveston)

Rob DeLeo (Bentley University)

W22. Promoting participation in health and social policy services and evaluation

Camille La Brooy (University of Melbourne)

Margaret Kelaher (University of Melbourne)

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