Conference cover

List of panels


P01. Greening state governance: a policy process perspective

Zsolt Boda (HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences)

Charlotte Halpern (Sciences Po Paris - Centre d'Etudes Européennes (CEE))

P02. Bringing the voices in: emotions, vulnerablity and new modes of governance in public policy

Anna Durnová (University of Vienna)

Christopher Weible (University of Colorado Denver)

Felix Ihrig (University of Vienna)

P03. Transnational Policy Process Research: Issues, Concepts and Cases

Osmany Porto de Oliveira (Universidade Federal de São Paulo)

Michelle Morais de Sa e Silva (The University of Oklahoma)

Gita Steiner-Khamsi (Columbia University)

Cecilia Osorio Gonnet (Universidad de Chile)

P04. The Policy Transaction Perspective: The Drame of Policy in an Agonistic and Turbulent Time

Philippe Zittoun (ENTPE - Ecole de l'aménagement durable des territoires)

Patrick Hassenteufel (Université Paris-Saclay)

Christopher Ansell (University of California, Berkeley)

P05. Policy Process Analysis of Long-term Changes in Policies: Visualising Applicability of Two or More Existing Frameworks, Theories or Models of Policy Process Studies

Chandrasen Kumar (Management Development Institute, Gurugram)

P06. One Health: From Agenda-Setting to Implementation and Evaluation

Annemieke van den Dool (Duke Kunshan University)

Elizabeth Shanahan (Montana State University)

P07. Studying policy process innovation: Why, by whom, how, and to what effect?

Nihit Goyal (Delft University of Technology)

Michael Howlett (Simon Fraser University)

P08. Evidence-Based Policy Making in Africa

Justa Mwangi (Kenyatta University)

Wilson Muna (Kenyatta University)

P09. Public Policymakig in the Global South

B. Guy Peters (University of Pittsburgh)

Jose Luis Mendez (El Colegio de México)

Mauricio Dussauge (CIDE )

P10. Putting policy diffusion (further) in process

Ellen Wayenberg (Ghent University)

Youlang Zhang (Renmin University of China)

P11. Adopting Anticipatory Governance- Systems Perspective

Devasheesh Mathur (International Management Institute)

P12. Policy Learning: Who, how, where, and ‘what for’?

Claudio Radaelli (School of Transnational Governance, EUI (Italy) and University College London (UK))

Bishoy Zaki (Ghent University)

P13. Consolidating our understanding of policy paradigms: conceptualization, uses, extensions, and limitations

Grace Skogstad (University of Toronto)

Matt Wilder (University of Toronto)

Carsten Daugbjerg (University of Copenhagen)

P14. Generative policymaking for robust societies

Eva Sørensen (Roskilde University)

Giliberto Capano (Università di Bologna)

P15. Multiple Streams Framework: The View from 40

Evangelia Petridou (Mid-Sweden University)

Nikolaos Zahariadis (Rhodes College)

Rob DeLeo (Bentley University)

Dana Dolan (George Mason University, Schar School of Policy and Government)

Annemieke van den Dool (Duke Kunshan University)

P16. Narrative Policy Framework: Developments, Discoveries, and Challenges

Elizabeth Shanahan (Montana State University)

Hilda Broqvist (Mid-Sweden University)

Caroline Schlaufer (University of Bern)

P17. Navigating the Nexus of Public Policy & Diplomacy: National and International Innovations for Global Challenges

Diane Stone (European University Institute)

Marina Cino Pagliarello (European University Institute)

Kim Moloney (Hamad Bin Khalifa University)


P01. What can be done? Comparing public policy responses and climate change-issues across regions as two sides of the same challenge

Eduardo Grin (Fundaçao Getulio Vargas- Brazil)

Alvaro Artigas (Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po))

Maria Ela Atienza (University of the Philippines Diliman)

P02. Artificial Intelligence, Data-driven Technologies, and Comparative Public Policy

Yixin Dai (Tsinghua University)

Iris Geva-May (The Wagner School, NYU and SPPA, Carleton Univ. Canada)

P03. Policy Analysis and Policy Research in Latin America

Leonardo Secchi (Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina)

Cesar Nicandro Cruz-Rubio (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

P04. Global South approaches to resilience policy

Albert Park (University of Oxford)

P05. Policy Transfer in the Global South

Kidjie Saguin (University of Melbourne)

Niklas Weins (Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University)

P06. Trust, Distrust, and Regulation: Exploring their Interdependencies

Bernardo Rangoni (University of York)

David Levi Faur (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

KOEN VERHOEST (public administration & management group, dep. of Politics, University of Antwerp)

P07. The Global Politics of the Implementation of Migrants' Rights: Policy Instruments and Controversies

Mireille Manga (IRIC, University of Yaoundé II)

Oluwasegun David Yusuf (University of Pretoria)

TSALA Ezéchiel (Université de Ngaoundéré)

Jean Emmanuel Minko À Bitegni (Université de Maroua)

P08. The content and dynamics of Policy Change: Stages, Dimensions, Measures and Drivers

Giliberto Capano (Università di Bologna)

Johanna Hornung (University of Lausanne)

P09. Comparative Policy and Governance for Sustainable Development in Asia

Congmian Jiao (Kyoto Sangyo University)

Masao Kikuchi (Meiji University)

P10. Policy Capacity, Governance Arrangements, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Global South

Alexandre Gomide (National School of Public Administration (ENAP))

Alketa Peci (Getulio Vargas Foundation, Brazil)

P11. Democratic Resistance: Domestic and International Policy Strategies

Rachel Riedl (Cornell University, US)

P12. Bridging East and West through comparative analyses of the internationalization of higher education policies

Kai ZHAO (Lingnan University)

Everardo BLANCO LIVERA (Lingnan University)

P13. Teaching and Learning of Comparative Health Policy

Helen Jordan (Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, The University of Melbourne)


P01. Theories and Dynamics of Ethnic Violence in Public Policy

Hamid Ali (Doha Institute for Graduate Studies)

P02. Politics of Development Cooperation: From North to South

Xiaoye She (California State University San Marcos)

P03. Politics, Politicization and Public Policy: Grasping the different epistemological and ontological perspectives

Philippe Zittoun (ENTPE - Ecole de l'aménagement durable des territoires)

Sabine Saurugger (Sciences Po Grenoble)

P04. Navigating post-conflict Myanmar: Institutions and Policies

Kai Ostwald (University of British Columbia)

P05. Populism and Bureaucracy – Institutional and Ideological Dynamics in Governance

Kutsal Yesilkagit (Leiden University)

B. Guy Peters (University of Pittsburgh)

Jon Pierre (Dept of Political Science, University of Gothenburg)

P06. Digital Social Media in Policymaking Process

Mireille Manga (IRIC, University of Yaoundé II)

Estelle Etoh Ekwoneng (Cercle de Recherches sur l'Afrique et les Enjeux Contemporains)

Michel Romain Awono Mballa (University of Douala)

Oluwasegun David Yusuf (University of Pretoria)

P07. The Impact of Public Policy on Political Participation: Comparing Evidence from around the World

Maureen Donaghy (Rutgers University)

P08. Sociopolitical consequences of digital and data policies

Júlia García-Puig (Leiden University)

Sarah Giest (Leiden University)

Bram Klievink (Leiden University)

P09. The Policy Process in China: Formulation, Implementation, and Evaluation in Contemporary Governance

Yu Du (Jinan University)


P01. New Frontiers in Digital Citizen Engagement - Exploring the Future of Democracy

Hiroaki Inatsugu (Waseda University)

Junro Nishide (Meiji University)

Atsuo SATO (Kyushu University)

P02. Sustainable Development and Backlash Politics: Which Implications for Public Policies?

Carla Tomazini (University of Warwick)

Catia Grisa (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS)

Jean-Francois LE COQ (CIRAD - CIAT)


P01. Strategic Foresight and Policy Design: Applying Foresights Towards Disruptive Transformations

Surachai Sathitkunarat (Office of National Higher Education Science Research and Innovation Policy Council)

Srichattra Chaivongvilan (APEC Center for Technology Foresight)

Kommate Jitvanichphaibool (APEC Center for Technology Foresight (APEC CTF))

P02. Public policies for hybrid governance

Jan-Erik Johanson (Tampere University)

Jarmo Vakkuri (Tampere University, Faculty of Management and Business)

Romulo Pinheiro (University of Agder)

Tero Erkkilä (University of Helsinki)


P01. How Can Governments Deal with Mis- and Disinformation?

Maria Gintova (McMaster University)

Timea Nochta (University of Birmingham)

P02. Public Policy and the fragmentation of the bureaucracy

Philippe Zittoun (ENTPE - Ecole de l'aménagement durable des territoires)

B. Guy Peters (University of Pittsburgh)

P03. Contemporary Perspectives on Political Advisers, Advisory Systems and Executive Relationships

Heath Pickering (University of Melbourne)

Maria Maley (Australian National University)

Marleen Brans (KU Leuven Public Governance Institute)

P04. Public Policy Implementation and Public Organizations Management. Bringing together research traditions and professional practice

Luciano Andrenacci (Universidad Nacional de General San Martín)

Michael Barzelay (London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London)

Mattia Casula (Università di Bologna)

Fritz Sager (University of Bern)


P01. Bridging the Gap: Evidence-Based Policy for Reducing Citizen Burden and Enhancing Efficiency in Public Administration

Jose Ruiz Almanza (London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London)

Rafael Gonzalez-Vazquez (Universidad Panamericana)

P02. Assessing Policy Implementation Performance – The Role of Context

Nicolai Goritz (Humboldt Universität Berlin)

P03. The Digital Turn in Public Services: Innovation, Repackaging, and the Shifting Nature of Governance

Sarah Ball (University of Queensland)

Christopher Walker (Australia and New Zealand School of Government)

P04. Active labour market policies: new challenges between governance and implementation.

Gianluca Scarano (Università di Torino)

Mark Considine (University of Melbourne)

Veronika Knize (Institute for Employment Research )

P05. The Role of Inefficient Bureaucracy in the Failure of Public Service Delivery in Sub-Saharan Africa

Nafisatu Okhade (University of Manchester)


P02. “Strengthening Governmental Capacities for Policy Design and Analysis in the Era of Emerging Technologies.”

José Romero Galván (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)

Everardo Chiapa (Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo (Mexico))

P03. Building a Transformative Agenda for Health through Responsive Policy Design

Anuj Kapilashrami (University of Essex)

Roomi Aziz (University of Essex)

P04. Transforming policy capacities: understanding development through learning initiatives

Ine Steenmans (University College London)

Maria Cross (University College London, University of London)

P05. Bringing Law (back) in: Contributions of the Law and Public Policy Approach to Public Policy Analysis

Isabela Ruiz (Universidade de São Paulo)

Maria Paula Bucci (Universidade de São Paulo)

Gabriela Azevedo Campos Sales (Universidade de São Paulo)

P06. Governance of Intersectoral Policies with the Population - Capturing novelties: new citizens, new technologies, new truths

Fernanda Natasha Bravo Cruz (Universidade de Brasília)

Pernelle Smits (U Laval , Canada)

P07. Policy Analysis in the Philippines

Kidjie Saguin (University of Melbourne)

Noe John Joseph Sacramento (University of the Philippines Cebu & Chiang Mai University)

P08. Ethical Principles for AI in Policy Design

Wai-Hang Yee (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen)

Lihe Shen (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen)

P09. Governing with complexity: Addressing policy challenges of technology adoption in cities.

Darren Nel (LKY School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore)

Kritika Sha (National University of Singapore)

Araz Taeihagh (National University of Singapore)

P10. Governance of digital information and building trust: Examining the role of policy design in the era of Generative AI

Kritika Sha (National University of Singapore)

Shaleen Khanal (LKY School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore)

Araz Taeihagh (National University of Singapore)

P11. Doing policy design differently: what do designers do for policy-making?

Scott Schmidt (Georgetown University)

Lara Salinas (university of the arts london)

Geert Brinkman (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

Federico Vaz (Royal College of Art)

Michael Mintrom (Monash University)

Arwin van Buuren (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

P12. Public Policy Frames, Water Governance and Policy Choices in a Climate-Impacted World

Shailaja Fennell (University of Cambridge)

Satyajit Singh (University of California Santa Barbara)

P13. Regenerating Collaborations in Public Policy


Neta Sher-Hadar (Sapir Academic College and Mandel School for Educational Leadership)

Lia Ettinger (Heschel Center for Sustainability)

Hendrik Wagenaar (University of Vienna)

P14. Policy integration and integrative capacity

Joanna Vince (University of Tasmania)

Liam Fullbrook (University of Tasmania)

Maree Fudge (University of Tasmania)

P15. Evidence use: empirical insights on practices and impact of knowledge mobilisation on decision-making

Hannah Durrant (Wales Centre for Public Policy, Cardiff University)

Eleanor MacKillop (Cardiff University)

James Downe (Cardiff University)

P16. Industry Regulation and Governance in the Age of Re-Emerging Industrial Policy: Self-Regulation, Co-Regulation, and Government Oversight

Alberto Asquer (School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London)

Mehmet Kerem Coban (SOAS, University of London)

P17. Linking policy capacity and the theories of policy process: Discoveries and new frontiers

Yifei Yan (University of Southampton)

Kidjie Saguin (University of Melbourne)

Mehmet Kerem Coban (SOAS, University of London)

P18. Policy Design and Process in International Organizations

Jasleen Kaur (University of Texas at Austin)


P01. Rethinking Evaluation for a Multipolar World: Pathways to Resilience, Equity, and Global South Perspectives

Anis Ben Brik, PhD (Hamad Bin Khalifa University)

P02. Policy Side Effects

Yongjin Choi (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, University of London)

Ashley Fox (Rockefeller College, University at Albany, State University of New York, State University of New York)

P03. Evaluation in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Populism: Which Role and Strategies to Support Public Discourse and Policies?

Giancarlo Vecchi (Politecnico di Milano)

Erica Melloni (Politecnico di Milano)

Dominika Wojtowicz (Kozminski University)

P04. Evaluation use in the policy process

Thilo Bodenstein (Central European University)

Joerg Faust

Achim Kemmerling (Willy Brandt School of Public Policy - University of Erfurt)


P01. Feminist Critical Policy Analysis in Latin America: subjectivities, knowledges and experiences

Rosana Boullosa (University of Brasilia/Brazil and Enap/Brazil)

Cecilia Guemes (Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales (CEPC))

Iara Alves (Escola Nacional de Administração Pública )

P02. Critical Policy Studies in Africa

David Olanya (Gulu University)

Piyapong Boossabong (Chiang Mai University School of Public Policy)

P03. Critical perspectives on global AI policy and governance

Regine Paul (University of Bergen)

Ching-Fu Lin (National Tsinghua University)

Azadeh Akbari (University of Twente)

P04. Author-Meets-Critics: Doing Interpretive Research. Learning and Teaching Imagination in Social Research

Koen Bartels (University of Birmingham)

Hendrik Wagenaar (University of Vienna)

P05. Conflict and collaboration in the energy transition: social dynamics and justice questions

Imrat Verhoeven (University of Amsterdam)

Tamara Metze (Delft University of Technology)

Jennifer Dodge (Rockefeller College/University at Albany)

P06. Exploring counter hegemony on climate change (and other policy problems)

Jennifer Dodge (Rockefeller College/University at Albany)

Dieter Plehwe (Universität Kassel)

P07. Knowledge and Power in Public Policy: Perspectives from Asia

Colette Einfeld (Australian National University)

Ario Wicaksono (Universitas Gadjah Mada)

Hali Aprimadya (Australian National University)

Pobsook Chamchong (Chiang Mai University School of Public Policy )

P08. Towards Public Encounters 2.0: Relational Dynamics of Citizens and the State in Diverse Contexts

Koen Bartels (University of Birmingham)

P09. Relational dimensions of public policy: towards a shared agenda

Raul Lejano (New York University, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology)

Koen Bartels (University of Birmingham)

Nick Turnbull (University of Manchester)

P10. Participatory Governance and Deliberative Empowerment for a Democratically Just and Sustainable Transition

Piyapong Boossabong (Chiang Mai University School of Public Policy)

Frank Fischer (Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany and Humboldt University Berlin)

P11. Discourse Analysis for Policy Framing in the ‘Asian Century’

Noe John Joseph Sacramento (University of the Philippines Cebu & Chiang Mai University)

Pobsook Chamchong (Chiang Mai University School of Public Policy )

Piyapong Boossabong (Chiang Mai University School of Public Policy)

Theerapat Ungsuchaval (Mahidol University)

P12. Using post-structural policy analysis to disrupt knowledge and power hierarchies

Rebecca Muir (Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London)

Merissa Hickman (University of Leicester)

Laura Bea (University of Southampton)

P13. Framing the Futures: How Discourses Shape Public Policy Agendas

Clyde Maningo (Chiang Mai University School of Public Policy)

Tun Min Oo (Chiang Mai University School of Public Policy)

Wei Ye (Chiang Mai University School of Public Policy)

P14. Roundtable: Diverse approaches to relational public policy

Nick Turnbull (University of Manchester)

Raul Lejano (New York University, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology)

Koen Bartels (University of Birmingham)


P01. Multilevel Governance in Education Policies

Juliana Macedo (Universidade de Brasília)

Suely Araújo (University of Brasilia)

TATIANA SILVA (Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada - IPEA)

P02. The financialization of public policies: actors, knowledge and tools

Lise Cornilleau (Université Paris-Saclay)

Marlène Rosano-Grange (Université Paris-Saclay)

P03. Social entrepreneurship and policy studies

Wei Li (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

Manli Zhang (University of Science and Technology Beijing)

Jian Li (Beihang University)

P04. Governing the co-creation of green transitions: A global comparative perspective

Jacob Torfing (Roskilde University)

Christopher Ansell (University of California, Berkeley)

Piyapong Boossabong (Chiang Mai University School of Public Policy)

P05. Bureaucrats, Interest Groups, and Policymaking

NAYARA FATIMA MACEDO DE MEDEIROS ALBRECHT (Federal University for Latin American Integration)


P01. Global challenges and local policy: understanding local government as a site of innovation for planetary health

Kathrin Lauber (University of Edinburgh)

Nancy Karreman (University of Cambridge)

Benjamin Hawkins (University of Cambridge)

Amber van den Akker (University of Bath)

P02. Inclusive Governance for Climate Resilience in the Indo-Pacific: Multi-level Strategies for Climate-Induced Disaster Preparedness

Phillip Gonzalez (Forum of Federations)

Warathida Chaiyapa (Chiang Mai University School of Public Policy)

P03. Subnational Transportation and Sustainability Policy

Nils Bandelow (Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina Braunschweig)

Sofie Klingner (Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina Braunschweig)

Ilana Schröder (Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina Braunschweig)

Nihit Goyal (Delft University of Technology)

P04. The governance of urban ecosystem/human health

Evelyne de Leeuw (Université de Montréal)

Marie-Christine Therrien (École nationale d'administration publique, Université du Québec)

Serge Morand (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)

Antoine Boudreau LeBlanc (McGill University)

Nicolas Antoine-Moussiaux (Université de Liège)


P01. Machine learning for policy analysis

Igor Tkalec (University College London, University of London)

P02. Using natural language processing for policy process research

Nihit Goyal (Delft University of Technology)

Sebastian Sewerin (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich)

P03. Governing the ungovernable? What critical data studies and critical policy studies can contribute to AI policy and practice

Susan Oman (University of Sheffield)

Itzelle Medina Perea (University of Sheffield)

P04. Advanced Computational Methods for Public Policy: NLP, ML, and LLMs

Antoine Lemor (Université de Sherbrooke)

Louis-Robert Beaulieu-Guay (University of Saskatchewan)


P01. Policy Feedback Effects of Reproductive Health Laws on Attitudes, Sexual Behaviors and Political Behavior

Ashley Fox (Rockefeller College, University at Albany, State University of New York, State University of New York)

Heeun Kim (University of California, Los Angeles)

P02. Creating a new generation of intersectionality-informed policy

Olena Hankivsky (Simon Fraser University)

Gemma Hunting (Simon Fraser University)

Ashlee Christoffersen

P03. Public Policies and Moral Issues in Latin America

Jeraldine del Cid Castro (FLACSO México)

Carlos Alza (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

P04. Gender Inclusive Urban Development Planning: Issues and Challenges

Namita GUPTA (Panjab University)

P05. Disability Inclusive Policy Development in the Asia Pacific Region

Jennifer Smith-Merry (University of Sydney)

Helen Dickinson (University of New South Wales)


P01. Artificial Intelligence and Public Policy

Hasnain Bokhari (Universität Erfurt)

P02. Understanding ‘valuable’ research: Emerging forms of worth in national science policies

Kate Williams (University of Melbourne)

Jenny Lewis (University of Melbourne)

P03. AI Governance and Regulation: Emerging Approaches through a Comparative Lens

Gleb Papyshev (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Keith Jin Deng Chan (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Sara Migliorini (University of Macau)

P05. Regulating AI: Governance Challenges and Policy Implications

Devyani Pande (National Law School of India University)

Shaleen Khanal (LKY School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore)

Araz Taeihagh (National University of Singapore)

P06. Governing technologies in Southeast Asia: (Re)Thinking digital tech and its policies from a Southern perspective

Stefan Bächtold (Monash University, Malaysia Campus)

Joanne Lim (University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus)

Gayathry Venkiteswaran (University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus)

Emma Baulch (Monash University, Malaysia Campus)

P07. Exploring the final frontier: Emerging Trends and Interdisciplinary approaches in Space Policy and Governance Research

Cheyenne Black (The University of Oklahoma)

Jonathan Ruff (Oregon State University, United States)

P08. Defining Digital Public Policy and Its Role in Shaping Governance and Society

Grace Piddington (University of Bristol)

Susan Oman (University of Sheffield)

P09. Democratizing Artificial Intelligence: Putting People at the Centre

Sushant Kumar (Jindal School of Government and Public Policy)

Joyeeta Dey (Manipal University)


P01. A Climate Policy Design Lab for Asia and the Southeast: Advancing Climate Solutions for Tomorrow

Benjamin Cashore (National University of Singapore)

Maitreyee Mukherjee (LKY School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore)

P03. Thermostatic Institutions as policy responses for the Climate Crisis: Strengthening and expanding a research agenda

Benjamin Cashore (National University of Singapore)

Alvaro Artigas (Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po))

P04. Public policies responses to climate risks and adaptation for the habitability of territories

Sophie NEMOZ (Université de Franche-Comté)

P05. Public policies on energy. Public-Private and Intergovernmental Synergies to Promote Energy Efficiency

Michele Gonzalez Galindo (Secretary of Science, Humanities, Technology and Innovation (SECIHTI))

Natalie Ortiz-Guerrero (Secretary of Science, Humanities, Technology and Innovation (SECIHTI))

P06. Measuring and Framing Sustainable Development: Data and Indicators for the Sustainable Development Goals

Gaby Umbach (Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute)

Igor Tkalec (University College London, University of London)

Mira Tiwari (European University Institute)

P07. Policy analysis for shifting development pathways towards climate change mitigation

Kaveri Iychettira (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi)

Diego Galego (School of Public Affairs and Administration, Rutgers University-Newark)

Cesar Casiano Flores (University of Twente)

P08. Access to clean energies in developping countries by the year 2030 : How to increase access by the year 2030 and beyond in the context of climate change?

Fernand Guevara Mekongo Mballa (Catholic University of Central Africa)

Mowshumi Sharmin (University of Auckland)

P09. Regional cooperation for the energy transition: steps towards renewable-based regional energy planning

Daniel del Barrio Alvarez (The University of Tokyo)

Dinita Setyawati (Ember Energy)

Muyi Yang (University of Technology Sydney)


Samantha Sharpe (University of Technology Sydney)

P11. Just energy transitions in Southeast Asia: How to put “justice” into policy- and regulatory frameworks?

Stefan Boessner (Stockholm Environment Institute)

Daniel Horn-Phathanothai (Chiang Mai University School of Public Policy)

P13. Food Security and Global South

Kiran Kumar Gowd (Center for Politics and Policy Studies (CPPS))

Veerababu D (University of Hyderabad)

P14. Understanding Climate Obstruction in Southeast Asia

Christian Downie (Australian National University)

Dieter Plehwe (Universität Kassel)

P16. Promoting participation of independent power providers (IPPs) for the clean energy transition in Southeast Asia

Ren Chong Lim (Universiti Brunei Darussalam)

P17. Towards Just and Sustainable Land Allocation for Displaced Farmers: Climate Change Adaptation in Southeast Asia

Warathida Chaiyapa (Chiang Mai University School of Public Policy)

P18. Environmental Policy and Polarisation: Pathways, Futures and Strategies

Sina Leipold (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ)

Anran Luo (Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research)

P19. Just and Justice guided energy transitions – beyond rhetoric and single cases

Daniel del Barrio Alvarez (The University of Tokyo)

Warathida Chaiyapa (Chiang Mai University School of Public Policy)

P20. Nature Policies and Protected Areas: regulatory, governance and evidence perspectives

Valentina Dinica (Victoria University of Wellington)

P21. Integrating Public Policy and Energy Resilience: Tackling Climate Change Amid Global Turbulence

Wei Ye (Chiang Mai University School of Public Policy)

Andrea Gatto (Kean University)

P22. Energy Justice and Climate Resilience: A Pathway to Equitable and Sustainable Energy Transitions


Ahmar Qazi (University of Technology and Applied Sciences)

P23. Policy Transfer in Urban Water Governance

David Dolowitz (University of Liverpool)

Burcin Demirbilek (University of Exeter)

Ellen Minkman (Delft University of Technology)

P24. Human-Wildlife Interactions in Urban Spaces: Public Policy and Local Environmental Governance

ITAI BEERI (University of Haifa)

P25. Centering Community in Climate Change Resilience, Water Governance and Policy Innovation

Carolyn Johns (Toronto Metropolitan University)

Debora VanNijnatten (Wilfrid Laurier University)


P01. Perceptions on Redistributive Policies, Justice and Inequalities

Carolina Raquel Justo (Federal University of São Carlos - UFSCar (universidade Federal de São Carlos))

Camila De Mario (Universidade Candido Mendes)

Carla Tomazini (University of Warwick)

Osmany Porto de Oliveira (Universidade Federal de São Paulo)

P02. Social Equity in Public Policy

Shahjahan Bhuiyan (American University in Cairo)

P03. (In)action in Public Policy

Advaita Rajendra (Indian Institute of Management, Sirmaur)

Ankur Sarin (Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad)

P04. Bridging Divides: Comprehensive Public Policy Approaches for Addressing Inequalities

Varun Chhachhar (University of Lucknow)

Niharika Kumar (University of Lucknow)

Swikar Sankrit (University of Lucknow)

P05. Social Inclusion in Transition: A Crossroads of Conceptualization, Measurement, and Policy in Global Contexts

Anis Ben Brik, PhD (Hamad Bin Khalifa University)

P06. Interlocal Collaboration for Inclusive Governance

Xuechun Wang (Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University )

Yijia Jing (Institute for Global Public Policy)

Ziteng Fan (Institute for Global Public Policy, Fudan University)

P07. Achieving EDI as a Policy Objective: How Policy Contradictions Subvert Its Agenda?

Merli Tamtik (University of Manitoba)

Roopa Trilokekar (Faculty of Education York University)

P09. Constitutional Economics for Public Policy

Sony Pellissery (National Law School of India University)

Sattwick Dey Biswas (Young Scholars Initiative, Institute for New Economic Thinking)

P10. Reconstructing Public Policies: Addressing Inequities in Education, Housing, and Healthcare to Enhance Urban Planning and Sustainable Development

Vibhore Bakshi (School of Planning and Architecture)

Arindam Biswas (Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee)

P11. Rethinking Poverty in context of Aligning Local Solutions with Global SDG Targets

Nemi Chand Goliaya (PGGCG-42 Panjab University Chandigarh,India )

Renu Kapila (Punjabi University Patiala)

Arunoday Bajpai (Agra College Agra, Dr BRA University, Agra (India))

Anju Chhillar (Panjab University)


P01. One Health and One Water

Zigmond Kozicki (University of Detroit Mercy)

Stephanie Baiyasi-Kozicki (Central Michigan University)

P02. The Role of Policy Actors in the Territorialization and Regionalization Processes of Healthcare Systems

Patrick Hassenteufel (Université Paris-Saclay)

Nils Bandelow (Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina Braunschweig)

P04. Public Policy Interventions for Increasing Health Insurance Coverage in Developing Countries

Dalano DaSouza (University of the West Indies, Five Islands Campus (Antigua and Barbuda))

Olvine Holas (JIPA Network LLC)

P05. Mechanisms of policy change in health and social care reform

Carmen Huckel Schneider (University of Sydney)

Jennifer Smith-Merry (University of Sydney)

Sara Allin (University of Toronto)

P06. The political determinants of health: how health policies, health governance and institutional arrangements affect health systems organization and reform in the post pandemic era

Michele Castelli (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca)

Federico Toth (Università di Bologna)

P07. How to evaluate corporate initiatives to promote access to medicines and health technologies

Quinn Grundy (University of Toronto)

Marc-Andre Gagnon (Carleton University)

P08. Shaping Tomorrow: Public Policy as a Catalyst for Fair, Sustainable, and Healthy Market Practices

Ashley Schram (Australian National University)

Sharon Friel (The Australian National University)

Mutiara Indriani (Australian National University)

Fran Baum (Flinders University)

Toby Freeman (University of Adelaide)

P09. From Crisis to Opportunity: Exploring the Transformation of Health Regulation and Public Health Innovation Policies Amidst Global Challenges

María Alejandra Costa (Fundaçao Getulio Vargas- Brazil)

Jose Ignacio Nazif-Munoz (Université de Sherbrooke)

P10. Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) in the Global South: Navigating towards Equity and Empowerment

Karan Babbar (OP Jindal University)


P01. New challenges to the use of force

Beatriz Gutierrez (Universidad Europea de Madrid)

P02. Comparative Innovative Financial Services Policy

Heather McKeen-Edwards (Bishop's University)

Ian Roberge (York University)

P03. Sport Policy as an emerging Area of Public Policy

Hiroko Kudo (Chuo University)

Gianluca Antonucci (Università degli Studi "G. d'Annunzio" Chieti)

Takuya Hiratsuka (Nara Women's University)

Takuma ABE (Taisho University)

P04. Mobility & Transport: New Concerns Arising from the Politics in Public Policy

Félicien Boiron (LAET ENTPE — Member of the University of Lyon)

Everardo Chiapa (Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo (Mexico))

P06. Design, Implementation, and Challenges of Transparency Policies

Giovanni Esposito (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Vincent Mabillard (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

P07. Roles and Functions of Social Enterprises in Social Policy

Benoit Renevey (HES-SO//University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland)


P01. Polycrises and Transition in Food Policies

Simone Busetti (University of Teramo)

Maria Stella Righettini (University of Padova )

P02. Legitimate crisis governance in multi-level settings

Dimiter Toshkov (Leiden University)

P03. Local Responses to Transboundary Threats: Building Governance Arrangements in Times of Crisis

Juan Carlos Triviño Salazar (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

Juliana Fornasier (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)


P01. Reconfigurations of Social Protection in Contexts of Uncertainty and Complexity

Carla Bronzo (Escola de Governo da Fundação João Pinheiro)

Tatiana Sandim (Universidade de Brasília)

Adriana Aranha

Edgilson de Araújo (Ufba)

P03. Mainstreaming sustainability into policy education

Navarun Varma (National University of Singapore)

Sreeja Nair (National University of Singapore)

P04. Bringing Time and Temporality ‘Back In’: Exploring Time as a Cornerstone in Public Policy and Public Administration

Lihi Lahat (Sapir Academic College, Israel )

Daniel Béland (McGill University)

P05. Comparing Higher Education Policy in Asia: Politics, Actors, and Processes

Meng Hsuan Chou (Nanyang Technological University)

Jens Jungblut (University of Oslo)

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