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ICPP7 Call for Papers

The call for papers is now open

Following the call for panels, ICPP7's scientific committee has selected 175 panels. The call for papers is open until January 31, 2025

To submit a paper proposal, authors will first need to choose a panel from the list of accepted panels. Each panel includes a presentation of its general objectives, its research questions, and its call for papers specifying the communications the chairs are expecting to receive. After identifying the relevant panel(s), the authors need to prepare an abstract (300-500 words). This abstract  (300 to 500 words) explains your paper project, your research question, your methodology, and how it fits with the panel's research questionsWhen the abstract is ready, the authors must go through the following steps:


Important, please read before submitting a proposal:

  • Each author must have an account or create an account on the website
  • If the paper has co-author(s) then each co-author must have an IPPA User Account or create one
  • Each author can propose a maximum of 2 paper proposals
  • The same paper proposal cannot be sent to two different panels, otherwise, one of the proposals will be deleted before the selection process. Please send your paper proposal to the Panel that is most relevant.

How to Submit a Paper?

1)   Log-in to your account or create one (if you do not have one already)

2)   Go to one of these submission pages (2 ways possible):

     A. If you already identified the panel in which you want to submit your paper proposal, go to the Conference page and click on the “submit a paper” button 

     B. Alternatively, you can also browse the list of panels, identify your panel, and either click on the "+" icon or on the “submit a paper for this panel” button inside the panel description

3)   Fill out the form on the website with the following information:

  • Enter the email ID(s) of the co-author(s). Make sure your co-author(s) have an IPPA account
  • Confirm your panel choice from the list of panels
  • Type in the title of your paper
  • Choose the format for the presentation of the paper (onsite/online/ don't know yet). For Online panels, only the Online option will be available.
  • Add an abstract of your paper (300 to 500 words) explaining your paper project, your research question, your methodology, and how it fits with the panel's research questions. We will ask you to submit your full paper on June 1, 2023. 

Please note that the paper proposals should not be sent via email to the panel chairs or the IPPA team

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