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SESSION 2 : Cumulative progress in ideational approaches to the policy process: Meta-analyses and large-n studies
SESSION 2 : Agenda Setting and Policy Change Innovations in the ACF
SESSION 3 : Policy Actors: Roles, Power and Influence
SESSION 1 : Traditions of Public Administration Research
SESSION 7 : Thinking Through Immigration Research, Immigration Federalism and Persisting Policy Issues
SESSION 2 : Political Economy of Public Policy 2
SESSION 2 : Regulation and competition in developing and transitional countries
SESSION 1 : Policymaking in post-Uprisings MENA countries (1)
SESSION 2 : Politics and Governance of Procurement
SESSION 3 : Politics and Administration within the core executive
SESSION 1 : Uncertainty, Implementation and Asylum
SESSION 2 : Discussions of ways to understand the politics of EBPM
SESSION 2 : Evaluation: policy learning and policy design
SESSION 2 : Policy Narratives in Education and Crime Policy Issues
SESSION 2 : Case Studies in Consulting Practices
SESSION 1 : Public Engagement Facilitation
SESSION 1 : The Implications of Business Involvement in Peace and Sustainability, in the Context of Planetary Resource Limits
SESSION 1 : Metropolitan Governance: Diffusion Processes
SESSION 2 : Balancing Coordination and Autonomy II: Policy tools, instruments, and mechanisms in Federal Context
SESSION 2 : Session 2
SESSION 2 : Relationality in Policy Networks
SESSION 1 : How Much does State Architecture Matter for Feminist Policy Outputs?
SESSION 2 : Conceptual Perspectives and Comparative Studies
SESSION 1 : Big Data Challenges for Campaigning and Mobilisation
SESSION 1 : The Politics of Carbon Pricing 1
SESSION 1 : Policy Integration and Climate Change Policy: Analytical Perspectives
SESSION 3 : Environmental Policy Effectiveness
SESSION 2 : Urbanization, Sanitation and Urban Energy
SESSION 1 : Social Determinants of Migrant Health
SESSION 1 : Private Governance and Public Policy: Assertive state responses and strategies
SESSION 1 : Evidence in health policy transference and adaptation
SESSION 3 : P4P/PBF: Contexts, Policy Diffusion and Theory-Driven Researches
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