Call for bids


After successfully organizing the past six editions of the ICPP, and currently organizing its seventh edition in Chiang Mai in 2025, IPPA is pleased to announce the opening of the call for bids for the 8th International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP8), scheduled for June/July 2027.

The deadline for submitting your proposal has been extended to December 15, 2024.

Held every two years, the International Conference on Public Policy is recognized as the world's leading public policy event. From 950 at ICPP1 to 1500 participants at subsequent conferences, the growth and impact of the conference have been consistently significant.

ICPP has been (or will be) organized at the following venues:

  •      ICPP1 2013 Grenoble – Sciences Po Grenoble (France)
  • ICPP2 2015 Milan - Catholic University of Milan (Italy)
  • ICPP3 2017 Singapore - Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (Singapore)
  • ICPP4 2019 MontrealUniversity of Concordia (Quebec-Canada)
  • ICPP5 2021 Barcelona - Pompeu Fabra University (Spain) - hybrid
  • ICPP6 2023 Toronto - Toronto Metropolitan University (Canada) - hybrid
  • ICPP7 2025 Chiang Mai – upcoming – Chiang Mai School of Public Policy (Thailand) - hybrid



You can download the Call for Bids by clicking on the image below. This document provides detailed information about what is expected and the requirements needed for your proposal.



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How to submit?

The selection will be carried out in 4 steps:

    1. CALL FOR BIDS (extended until 15th December 2024): The Association will issue the Call for Bids and collect proposals over this period.
    2. SHORT LISTING (mid-January 2025): The Executive Committee will examine the proposals and shortlist 2 to 3 proposals suitable for this project.
    3. SITE VISITS (January-April 2025): The Jury composed of a delegation of 3 persons will visit the shortlisted locations. These visits will have to be sponsored by the relevant bidder.
    4. FINAL DECISION (May 2025): After the site visits the jury will present their findings at the Executive Committee Meeting of the Association, which proceed to a vote.
    5. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ICPP8: During ICPP7 in Chiang Mai (2-4 July 2025)

Once you have created the proposal, you need to follow the below steps:

      1. Login or create an IPPA user account
      2. Once logged in, click on the "Submit" button on top of this page
      3. Submit your application in one PDF document titled as Callforbids2027_Name of your institution

For questions regarding the call for bids, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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