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Transition and Developing Economies Award (2021)

Previously known as the ‘Global South Award’, the International Public Policy Association awards the Transition and Developing Economies Award biennially to an academic employed on a full-time basis in a university located in a country identified as a developing or transition economy, and whose publications (book or articles) are directly related to public policy and/or public administration issues in one or more such countries. The award recognizes the outstanding contribution of a mid-career to senior scholar to the development of the field of Public Policy and/or Public Administration within either a developing or transition country context. The successful candidate will have an established record of theoretical and empirical scholarly publications as well as service to the profession.

To be eligible for the 2021 Award, the nominee should be academic employed on a full-time basis (or emerita/emeriti) in a university located in a country identified as a developing economy, and whose publications (book or articles) are directly related to public policy and/or public administration issues in one or more of the identified countries.

Self-nomination is not allowed.

The call for nominations is now closed



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Oscar Oszlak
Emeritus Professor
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PhD Political Science and Master of Arts in Public Administration, UC Berkeley; C.P.A. and Doctor in Economics (University of Buenos Aires). Graduate from the International Tax Program, Harvard Law School. Founder and former Director, M.A. Pubic Administration, U.of Buenos Aires. Top Researcher National Council of Scientific and Technological Research (Argentina). First President of INPAE (Inter-American Network for Public Administration Education. Undersecretary of State for Administrative Reform and Presidential Advisor (Alfonsín Presidency). Founder and former president of the Argentine Society for Political Analysis, 1983-1994. President of the Organization Committee, IPSA Conference, Buenos Aires, 1991. Full professor in post-graduate programs at the Universities of San Andrés, FLACSO, Tres de Febrero, San Martín, Buenos Aires, etc. Professor at the Institute for Foreign Service, Argentina. Director, coordinator and/or consultant for United Nations, Inter-American Development Bank, World Bank, OAS, UNESCO and several other international organizations. Director of Estado Abierto: Revista sobre el Estado, la Administración y las Políticas Públicas. He obtained the following fellowships and prizes: United Nations fellow, Peter Odegard Award, Tinker, Rockefeller, Guggenheim, Ford, CLAD, fellowships. He was awarded the first International Public Administration Award 2003 (American Society for Public Administration). Outstanding Personality of the Economic, Poliltical and Social Sciences, under a Law of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires Legilslature. Honoris Causa doctorate from the National University of Cuyo (2015). Consulting profesor from the Social Sciences School, University of Buenos Aires. Honoris Causa doctorate from the National University of Villa María. “Domingo F. Sarmiento” Award by the Honorable Senate of Argentina (2017). Author of the following books: “La Formación del Estado Argentino”, “Merecer la Ciudad: los Pobres y el Derecho al Espacio Urbano”, “Proceso, Crisis y Transición Democrática”, “Estado y Sociedad: Nuevas Reglas de Juego”, “Teoría de la Burocracia Estatal: Ensayos Críticos”, “La Trama Oculta del Poder”, “Gobernar el Imperio: los tiempos de Bush”, “Los Miedos Cambiados” and about 150 artícles, book chapters, etc., published in Argentina, United States, Europe and Asia.

Jury Members

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Jose Luis Mendez
El Colegio de México
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Shahjahan Bhuiyan
American University in Cairo
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Laura Chaqués Bonafont
Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals
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Guillaume Fontaine
FLACSO Ecuador
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Ciqi Mei
Tsinghua University


Professor Oszlak holds an emeritus teaching position at the University of Buenos Aires (the Argentinian National University) and has an established record of service to the profession as well as of theoretical and empirical scholarly publications directly related to public administration and public policy, through which he has done a very significant contribution to these fields, mainly in relation to Latin America. The supporting statement for his nomination was co-signed by 14 recognized professors from various countries of Latin America, the United States and Europe. Such statement extensively presented professor Oszlak´s merits, among them the previous granting of other important awards by the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA), the Argentinian Senate and the City of Buenos Aires.

Previous Winners

Edition 2023
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Shahjahan Bhuiyan

American University in Cairo

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