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Early Career Research Award (2025)

The IPPA Early Career Research Award is awarded biennially to a scholar who, within seven years of completing the PhD, has a record of single-authored publications that represents a major theoretical, methodological and/or empirical contribution to the field of Public Policy and/or Public Administration.

Factors to be considered in the selection of the award winner may include: contribution to the development of the field; excellence in writing and communication; scholarly innovation and rigor; and critical acclaim and citation (either in scholarly domain or in pubic affairs). 

Self-nomination is allowed but self-nominations must be accompanied by another supporting letter from an academic and/or policy researcher in a scholarly institution or research centre.



  • Call for nominations: has been extended until February 20, 2025.
  • Results: March 20, 2025

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How to submit?

All nominations must be submitted online via the IPPA website by one correspondent who has compiled all the relevant materials of the candidate into one single file submission.

Please follow the guidelines below to submit a nomination:

      • Click on the "Nominate" button above
      • Log in to your IPPA account (or create one)
      • Fill in the form:
        • In the "Title" field, please indicate the first name and last name of the nominee
        • In "File PDF", please upload one PDF file named as "last name of the nominee_Early Career Award" containing the following:
          1. The nomination form (accessible here), completed with the requested information
          2. Supporting statements from one academic and/or policy researcher in scholarly institutions or research centers advocating the merits of the candidate in terms of making a substantial contribution to the study of public policy and/or public administration. The statement of support should not exceed three pages. The nominator need not to be an IPPA member
          3. CV of the nominee
          4. A record of single-authored publications of the nominee published within seven years of completing the PhD and which is made available via open access or in downloadable e-format.
        • Once you have uploaded your pdf file, click on the "Submit" button. 

*The current members of IPPA Executive Committee are not eligible candidates for the Awards. Former members of the IPPA Executive Committee become eligible for awards once their term ends.

Please direct your questions to

Jury members

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Evangelia Petridou
NTNU Social Research and Mid Sweden University

Jury Chair

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Christopher Weible
University of Colorado Denver

Jury Member

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Nikolaos Zahariadis
Rhodes College

Jury Member

Previous Winners

Edition 2019
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Osmany Porto de Oliveira

Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Edition 2019
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Philipp Trein

University of Lausanne

Edition 2021
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Carolina Milhorance


Edition 2023
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Maayan Davidovitz

New York University

Edition 2023
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Shiran Victoria Shen

Stanford University

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