Become an IPPA Individual Member / Renew your Membership

By becoming a member of the International Public Policy Association you will join a vast community of researchers and practitioners operating in Public Policy and contribute to the development of the Association. You will be updated on all events, news, and opportunities related to the policy studies and get exclusive benefits, such as:


    • Reduced fees to register for the future 7th edition of the International Conference on Public Policy, to be held in Chiang Mai (Thailand) on July 2-4, 2025
    • Reduced fees to participate in all seasonal schools co-organized with IPPA
    • Reduced price to subscribe to the printed issues of the International Review of Public Policy 
    • Publish on our website and newsletter information and news you want to share with the policy community
    • Access to resources dedicated to our members only
    • Receive our Newsletters every 15 days with all information about books, conferences, events, job opportunities, etc.

IPPA offers two individual membership options: 

  • membership for 2 calendar years (the membership cannot be prorated), in three categories:
    • PhD Students: 40 € (20€/year for 2 years)
    • Retired: 80€ (40€/year for 2 years)
    • Others: 120 € (60€/year for 2 years)
  • lifetime membership for a unique fee of 1500€

The memberships are non-refundable.



Subscribe to receive the printed version of our International Review of Public Policy!


The International Review of Public Policy (IRPP) is our online open-access Review of Public Policy. We have chosen to grant its online access for free, for both authors and readers. However, you can opt to receive the printed version. It will help us cover the editing costs and continue to offer its online version free of charge on a long-term basis. For 100€, you will receive a total of 8 issues of the IRPP in the course of 2 years. 

If you are interested in subscribing to the printed version, please check and update your postal address on your user account.

Please note that only members can subscribe and get a special discount.


Become an APSA member with a discounted fee

By joining IPPA, you can take advantage of our interdisciplinary partnership with the American Political Science Association (APSA) and have the option of joining the APSA at an advantageous fee: 82USD for a year or 221USD for three years


Become an IPSA member

While becoming a member of IPPA, you can choose to subscribe to a membership at the International Political Science Association (IPSA). Note that the rates below are for IPSA membership of Group A - High-Income Economies. If you are NOT residing in a High-Income Economies country, IPSA offers various lower rates depending on your country of residency. These discounted membership rates are only available directly on the IPSA website". 

Individual Regular Membership

Regular – 2 years: 205

Senior – 2 years: 143

Student (under 35) - 1 year: 60

Student (under 35) - 2 years: 90

Lifetime: 1650


Become an IAPSS member

Upon joining IPPA, you have the option to additionally subscribe to a membership with the International Association for Political Science Students (IAPSS), at a 28€ fee for two years


To become a member (or to renew your membership)

  1. Log in to your IPPA account or create an account by clicking here
  2. After logging in to your account, return to this page (the "become an individual member" page). You will see at the bottom of the page the options you to have pay for the membership (credit card of bank transfer) and the total amount. 
  3. Select the option 'SUBSCRIBE TO THE PRINTED VERSION of the International Review of Public Policy if you want this option
  4. Choose to become a member of the APSA for a year or three if you are interested. 

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