
The winners of the IPPA awards 2023

IPPA News - Deadline : 06/30/2024



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We are pleased to announce the winners of the IPPA 2023 Awards:


Career Award:

The jury awarded the Career 2023 to Bryan Jones.

"Through Professor Bryan Jones’ contributions to the field of public policy, namely his research, extensive publications, numerous awards and accolades, and his dedication to shaping the next generation of academics, he is a well-deserving recipient of the 2023 International Public Policy Association's Career Award. It will be a privilege and an honor to see how Professor Bryan Jones will continue to shape this dynamic field in the future." Career Award Jury. 

Best book Award:
The jury awarded the Book Award 2023 to Akshay Mangla for his book “Making Bureaucracy Work, Norms, Education and Public Service Delivery in Rural India”.

"Dr Mangla’s book provides a refreshing reconsideration of some basic questions in policy studies, public administration, and social engagement. He shows how the standard assumptions of Western scholarship may struggle to explain the nuances of experience in the global South. The book is an outstanding contribution to the study of bureaucratic norms and public policy implementation, especially for developing countries. His work is a worthy winner of the IPPA Award for Best Book in public policy and public administration." Book Award Jury.

Early Career Research Award:
The jury awarded the Early Career Research Award 2023 to Maayan Davidovitz and Shiran Victoria Shen.

"Dr Davidovitz’s significant contribution demonstrates remarkable independence and creativity. Her research focuses on under-researched areas of street-level bureaucracy that have high contemporary relevance, such as the politicization of frontline policy implementation and violence against street-level bureaucrats. Her work is innovative in that it goes beyond the micro-focus on street-level bureaucracy and considers the broader context in which these actors operate." Early Career Research Award Jury.

"Dr. Shen’s impactful research shows how a systematic and creative approach to research can effectively address challenging real-world problems. Her work builds upon the principal-agent approach to delve into the role of policy regulation waveband re-examine the nexus capacity-execution in implementing policies related to air pollution, and emphasizes how an interdisciplinary and mixed-methods approach takes implementation analysis to the next level." Early Career Research Award Jury.

Transition and Developing Economies Award:
The jury awarded the Transition and Developing Economies Award 2023 to Shahjahan Bhuiyan.

"Professor Shahjahan Bhuiyan's work is highly influential, while he also made significant contributions to methodological innovation in the field. Professor Bhuiyan's outstanding research paved the way for new areas of inquiry in Public Policy and Public Administration." Transition and Developing Economies Award Jury. 


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