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The call for nominations for the IPPA awards is open until 31 January 2023. Nominations are accepted in the following 4 categories:
1. Career Award
Awarded biennially, the award recognizes the contribution of outstanding scholars to the development of the field of Public Policy and/or Public Administration. Recipients will be prominent scholars with an established record of theoretical and empirical scholarly publications and service to the profession, and who have advanced the fields of Public Policy and/or Public Administration.
All information about the requirements and the nomination process is here:
2. Best Book Award
Awarded biennially to a single- or co-authored monograph that makes an original and significant theoretical, methodological, and/or empirical contribution to the field of Public Policy and/or Public Administration.
All details to submit a nomination can be found here:
3. Early Career Research Award
Awarded biennially to a scholar who, within seven years of completing the PhD, has a record of single-authored publications that represents a major theoretical, methodological, and/or empirical contribution to the field of Public Policy and/or Public Administration.
More information on how to submit a nomination and requirements are here:
4. Transition and Developing Economies Award
Awarded biennially to an academic or researcher employed on a full-time basis (or emeritus/retired) either in a university or a policy research center located in a country identified as a developing or transition economy, and whose publications (book or articles) are directly related to public policy and/or public administration issues in one or more such countries.
Read more about the criteria and the nomination process here:
Should you have any questions about any of the Awards, do not hesitate to email us at
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