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Becoming an institutional member does more than supporting our association. The IPPA membership offers you a number of exclusive benefits such as:
The Institutional membership fee for the year 2021 is €1,800. The membership runs on a yearly basis, it is non-refundable and cannot be prorated.
Your contribution is crucial to support the development of an international public policy network! We sincerely hope the activities and opportunities we offer will encourage your Institution to become a partner member of IPPA.
Our Association is happy to publish a highly ranked online open-access journal and has chosen to grant its access for free to both authors and readers. However, this choice imposes a cost to IPPA, with several management and editing costs to cover each year. To continue to offer our journal free of charge on a long-term basis, the support of sponsors is crucial.
Therefore, while becoming an institutional member you can also become an official sponsor of the IRPP by adding 1,000€ to your yearly Institutional membership fee. You will appear among the official sponsors and encourage the development of the review.
Please note that only Institutional Members of the Association can become Official Sponsors of IRPP.
To become a new institutional member (or if you need further clarification), please contact us via email at
Who are our current institutional members?
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