Preconference Courses (AM)
Preconference Courses (PM)
Early Career Network (MB 3.210)
IPPA ECN Networking Reception (Kampai Garden)
Welcome Speech & Award Ceremony (H 110 )
Plenary Session 1 (H 110 )
Lunch (Grey Nuns Cafeteria)
Multisession 1
Coffee Break (Coffee location)
Multisession 2
Welcome Drink (Le Parquet)
Multisession 3
MultiSession 4
Plenary Session 2 (H 110 )
MultiSession 5
General Assembly (MB 1.210)
Gala Dinner (La Jetée)
MultiSession 6
MultiSession 7
MultiSession 8
Plenary Session 3 (H 110 )
Closing Drink (H Atrium)
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