Conference cover

List of panels

T01 - Policy process theories

. T01P02 - Grounding polycentric governance: constitutional rules, the characteristics of social problems and their illustration in water management

Andreas Thiel (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

Bill Blomquist (IUPUI)

Anas Malik (Xavier University)

. T01P05 - Using Traditional Policy Theories and Concepts in Untraditional Ways

Christopher Weible (University of Colorado Denver)

Paul Cairney (University of Stirling)

. T01P08 - Theories and conceptions of the political process beyond ?Policy Cycle? and ?Multiple Streams?

Michael Boecher (University Goettingen)

Annette Toeller

. T01P12 - Information Processing and Policy Dynamics

Samuel Workman (West Virginia University)

Christian Breunig (University of Konstanz)

. T01P09 - Policy Analysis in France

Patrick Hassenteufel (Université Paris-Saclay)

Philippe Zittoun (ENTPE - University of Lyon)

Charlotte Halpern (Sciences Po Paris - Centre d'Etudes Européennes (CEE))

. T01P01- Sequencing in Public Policy

Carsten Daugbjerg (University of Copenhagen)

Grace Skogstad (University of Toronto)

. T01P03 - Global Policy and Transnational Administration

Diane Stone (European University Institute)

Stella Ladi (Queen Mary University of London)

. T01P11 - Policy and Politics in Hydraulic Fracturing: Advancing Theories of Contentious Policy Issues

Tanya Heikkila (University of Colorado Denver)

Christopher Weible (University of Colorado Denver)

. T01P04 - Theorising the process of policy

Hal Colebatch (UNSW Australia)

. T01P07 - The Advocacy Coalition Framework in Comparative Perspective

Daniel Nohrstedt (Uppsala University)

. T01P10 - Advances in the Multiple Streams Framework of the policy process

Thomas Birkland (NC State University)

Nikolaos Zahariadis (University of Alabama at Birmingham)

. T01P06 - Roundtable on Narratives and the Policy Process

Elizabeth Shanahan (Montana State University)

Claudio Radaelli (European University Institute)

Claire Dunlop (University of Exeter)

T02 - Comparative public policy

. T02P21 Roundtable : Global Policy convergence? New challenges for comparative policy analysis methods.

Iris Geva-May (The Wagner School, NYU and SPPA, Carleton Univ. Canada)

. T02P14 - Comparative Public Policy and Comparative Politics: Their Relationship and Fruitful Cooperation

Scott Greer (University of Michigan)

Margitta Mätzke (Johannes-Kepler-University Linz)

. T02P10 - Policy making between challenges and opportunities: an African Perspective

Riccardo Pelizzo (Graduate School of Public Policy, Nazarbayev University)


Riccardo Pelizzo (Graduate School of Public Policy, Nazarbayev University)

. T02P17 - Judicial policies and organizational modernization. A paradigm shift in the comparative analysis of the judiciary

Giancarlo Vecchi (Politecnico di Milano)

Daniela Piana (University of Bologna )

. T02P08 - Higher Education Policy in Asia: Reform, Outcomes, Equity and Access

Darryl Jarvis (Hong Kong Institute of Education)

Ka Ho Mok (The Hong Kong Institute of Education)

. T02P01 - Policy Analysis in Mexico

Mauricio Dussauge (CIDE )

Jose Luis Mendez (El Colegio de México)

. T02P12 - Public Policy Innovation for the 21st Century: Lessons from the Developing World

WELLINGTON ALMEIDA (Universidade de Brasília - UNB)

Paulo Calmon (Universidade de Brasília)

. T02P09 - Regulating Judges: Expanding the Horizons

Richard Devlin (Dalhousie University)

. T02P18 - Policy Making at the Center of Government: Centering and Decentering Dynamics in Comparative Perspective

Jonathan Craft (University of Toronto)

B. Guy Peters (University of Pittsburgh)

. T02P04 - Challenges to European Welfare Systems ?Current Problems and Future Perspectives

Klaus Schubert (Institute for Political Science, University of Muenster)

Johanna Kuhlmann (Institute for Political Science, University of Muenster)

. T02P02 - Policy Transfer: Micro-Mechanics and Macro-Effects: local and national actors

Leslie Pal (Hamad Bin Khalifa University)

Magdaléna Hadjiisky (Université de Strasbourg & Sociétés, acteurs et gouvernement en Europe, CNRS )

. T02P20 Policy Transfer: Micro-Mechanics and Macro-Effects: international actors

Magdaléna Hadjiisky (Université de Strasbourg & Sociétés, acteurs et gouvernement en Europe, CNRS )

Leslie Pal (Hamad Bin Khalifa University)

. T02P11 - Analysing Instruments of Public Policy: The case of social policy

Jane Jenson (Université de Montréal)

Nora Nagels (Université du Québec à Montréal)

. T02P19 - Policy Instruments and their publics

Noemi Lendvai (University of Bristol)

. T02P07 - Comparing Horizontal Coordination of Policy Sectors

Philipp Trein (University of Lausanne)

Tanja Klenk (University of Potsdam)

. T02P06 Public Participation, Democratic Accountability and the Budgetary Process / T18P30 - Social Policies in Global Markets

Grace Skogstad (University of Toronto)

Holly Jarman (University of Michigan)

. T02P03 - Challenges to Energy Markets: Triggers and Policy Responses

Jale Tosun (Heidelberg University)

Achim Lang (University of Konstanz)

Michael Dobbins (Goethe University of Frankfurt)

. T02P05 - Patterns and pathways of convergence/divergence in higher education: A comparative perspective

Martina Vukasovic (University of Bergen)

Donald Westerheijden (CHEPS, University of Twente)

T03 - Policy and politics

. T03P20 - Theoretical Perspectives on the Politics of Policymaking

Steven Smith (American Political Science Association)

. T03P13 - Private sector and Universal Health Coverage: Examining evidence and deconstructing rhetoric

Anuj Kapilashrami (Global Public Health Unit, Social Policy, School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh)

Mohga Kamal-Yanni (Oxfam)

Jessica Hamer (Oxfam GB)

. T03P07 - Examining the legitimation strategies of delegated agencies

Amanda Smullen (Australian National University)

Matt Wood (University of Sheffield)

. T03P18 - The politics surrounding public policy in the global South

lauriane Gay (Montpellier 1)

Francesca DI Matteo (EHESS, Marseille)

. T03P16 - Active Labour Market Policies and the Governance of Social Investment Welfare State: the Youth Guarantee programs in Europe

Patrik Vesan (University of Aosta Valley)

Paolo Graziano (SPGI - Università di Padova)

. T03P05 - Prostitution Policy and Sex Work Governance ? Design, Implementation, and Evaluation

Genevieve Fuji Johnson (Simon Fraser University)

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Leslie Jeffrey (University of New Brunswick Saint John)

. T03P11 - International examples in the Political Process of Policymaking

Brenton Prosser (ANU)

Maïmouna Ndong-Etroit (Science Po Grenoble)

. T03P08 - Social Movements and Policy Analysis: Theoretical Challenges and Empirical Findings

Paolo Graziano (SPGI - Università di Padova)

manuela caiani (SNS-Florence)

. T03P15 - The policy of institutional reform

Martino Mazzoleni (Università Cattolica del S. Cuore, Department of Political Science)

Nicola Pasini (Università degli studi di Milano)

. T03P04 - The Dynamics of Regulatory Change in a Post-Deregulation World

Jeff Worsham (West Virginia University)

Marc Eisner (Wesleyan University)

. T03P02 - Do populist parties matter? Challenging the link between policy discourse and policy outputs

Claire Dupuy (University of Louvain)

Nathalie Schiffino-Leclercq (Université catholique de Louvain)

. T03P06 - Legitimacy, Participation and Escalation in the Course of Policy Processes for Large Building and Infrastructure Projects

Nils Bandelow (Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina Braunschweig)

Peter Biegelbauer (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology)

. T03P09 - Connecting the dots between climate policy and social policy: Normative and empirical conditions for environmental welfare states (aka eco-social states)

Mi Ah Schoyen (NOVA Norwegian Social Research, Oslo & Akershus University College)

Max Koch (Lund University)

. T03P01 - Making Governance Work: Policy Making in an Era of Polarized Politics

David Jesuit (Central Michigan University)

Ian Roberge (Glendon College)

. T03P19 - Depoliticization & Crisis: Contingency and Contestation in the Face of Policy Failure

Adam Standring (University of Örebro)

Catherine Moury (FCSH-NOVA University)

. T03P10 - Policy Narratives and Public Policy

Elizabeth Shanahan (Montana State University)

Michael Jones (Oregon State University )

T04 - Public, problem and agenda setting

. T04P03 - Mass protests of new millennia as a challenge to social theory

Nina Belyaeva (National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow))

Nick Mahony (The Open University)


. T04P01 - The Problem of Policy Problems

Patrik Marier (Concordia University)

B. Guy Peters (University of Pittsburgh)

Mireille Paquet (Concordia University)

. T04P06 - Policy responses to ?wicked problems? ? theory and practice

Brian Head (University of Queensland, Australia)

Joshua Newman (Monash University)

. T04P02 - Reassessing the role of ignorance in policymaking

Marc-Olivier Déplaude (INRA)

Didier Torny (INRA)

. T04P04 - Governments? policy agenda and responsiveness in times of crisis

Ana Belchior (ISCTE-IUL)

Emmanouil Tsatsanis (ELIAMEP)

T05 - Policy formulation and decision making

. T05P02 - Parliaments in the Policy Cycle. Executive-Legislative Relations as a Determinant for Policy Making.

Sven Siefken (Hochschule des Bundes für öffentliche Verwaltung)

Julia Fleischer (University of Bergen)

T06 - Policy implementation

. T06P07 - Do Regions really matter? Regionalization strategies as a field of investigation and a challenge for critical analysis

Josua Gräbener (IEP Grenoble, Laboratoire Pacte)

Fanny Sbaraglia (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

. T06P06 - The bureaucrat and the law: policy implementation and interpretation in front-line public administration

Federica Infantino (University of Oxford/Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Tobias Eule (University of Bern)

. T06P03 - Trust, legitimacy and public policy effectiveness

Zsolt Boda (HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences)

Attila Bartha (Centre for Social Sciences, ELKH and Corvinus University of Budapest)

. T06P05 - Policy implementation: analysis of cases from classical and new perspectives

Mauricio Olavarria-Gambi (University of Santiago, Chile)

Cristian Pliscoff (University of Chile)

. T06P02 - Innovative approaches to multi-level implementation research: Moving beyond legal compliance

Eva Thomann (University of Exeter)

Fritz Sager (University of Bern)

. T06P04 - Analyzing State Capacity and Public Policy in Latin America through the ?Three I? approach

Melina de Souza Rocha Lukic (York University)

Norma Munoz del Campo (Universidad de Santiago de Chile)

Carla Tomazini (University of Warwick)

T07 - Policy design

. T07P01 - Co-production as a Policy Tool: Design Impediments and Implementation Challenges

Michael Howlett (Simon Fraser University)

T08 - Policy advice, expertise and evaluation

. T08P13 - What?s new in policy evaluation? Exploring theoretical and methodological approaches to assess complex programs

Mita Marra (University of Naples )

Francesco Mazzeo Rinaldi (University of Catania - Dept. of Political and Social Sciences)

. T08P12 - Is it research "for" policy or research "of" policy?

Alessandro Colombo (Éupolis Lombardia)

. T08P06 - Comparing policy advisory systems

Thurid Hustedt (University of Potsdam)

Martin Schulz (Netherlands School of Public Governance)

Jan Van Damme (Public Governance Institute, KU Leuven)

. T08P04 - Mechanisms for the policy sciences: Theories, methods and applications

SIMONE BUSETTI (Politecnico di Milano)

Erica Melloni

. T08P02 - How do democracy and policy evaluation speak to each other?

Fritz Sager (University of Bern)

Thomas Saretzki (Center for the Study of Democracy, Leuphana University Lueneburg)

. T08P10 - Governing welfare state reforms in times of crisis: the role of expertise and policy knowledge

Sonja Blum (Universität Bielefeld)

Holger Strassheim (Humboldt-University Berlin)

. T08P11 - Advancing public policy assessment in global environmental assessments (GEAs)

Christian Flachsland (Mercator Research Intitute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC))

Martin Kowarsch (Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC))

. T08P09 - Does regulation matter? Evaluating the impact of regulatory policies

Christoph Knill (LMU Munich)

Steffen Hurka (Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen)

Christian Adam (University of Munich)

. T08P01 - Policy Work Research: Linking Evidence with Theory

Martin Nekola (Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences)

Arnost Veselý (Charles University Prague)

. T08P05 - Think Tanks and Policy Advisory Systems

Luca Barani (Haute Ecole de Bruxelles)

xavier carpentier tanguy (chaire en études parlementaires, Chambre des Députés du Grand >Duché)

Mattia Diletti (Sapienza - Università di Roma)

. T08P03 - Non-Implementation Policy Tools: Uses and Consequences

Michael Howlett (Simon Fraser University)

. T08P07 - The interaction of research and policy - political and institutional factors shaping the use of policy relevant evidence

Justin Parkhurst (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)

Kathryn Oliver (University College London)

T09 - Methodologies

. T09P01 - What methodogy to study policy process ?

Philippe Zittoun (ENTPE - University of Lyon)

T10 - Public policy, administration and policymakers

. T10P04 - Political Advisers, Policy Theory and the Policy Process

Richard Shaw (Massey University)

Jonathan Craft (University of Toronto)

Chris Eichbaum (Victoria University of Wellington, NZ)

. T10P11 - Policy change and policy instruments change: Ends, means, processes, outcomes


. T10P10 - Public problem-solving through co-production

Tina Nabatchi ( Maxwell School, Syracuse University)

Maddalena Sorrentino (Università degli Studi di Milano )

mariafrancesca sicilia (University of Bergamo)

. T10P06 - Public Policy and the Global-Local Dilemma

Tim Legrand (University of Adelaide)

Hélène Caune (Università degli studi di Milano)

Angie Gago (University of Milan)

. T10P15 - Evidence Based Bureaucracies and the transformation of public policies

Patrick Hassenteufel (Université Paris-Saclay)

Benamouzig Daniel (CNRS / Sciences Po (CSO-LIEPP))

Magali ROBELET (University Lyon 2)

. T10P19 Policy Making on the Ground Floor of Government

evelyn brodkin (university of chicago)

Peter Hupe (KU Leuven)

Aurélien Buffat (University of Lausanne)

. T10P14 - Policy integration and the coordination of wicked problems

Duncan Russel (University of Exeter)

Helle Ørsted Nielsen (Aarhus University)

. T10P09 - The State at the Level of the Street: Street-Level Organizations and Public Policy Research

Aurélien Buffat (University of Lausanne)

evelyn brodkin (university of chicago)

Peter Hupe (KU Leuven)

. T10P13 - Entrepreneurship in the polis: political entrepreneurs, policy making, and diverse contexts.

Evangelia Petridou (NTNU Social Research and Mid Sweden University)

Lee Miles (Bournemouth University Disaster Management Centre)

. T10P07 - Performance Federalism

Stephen Jones (University of Queensland)

Geert Bouckaert (KU Leuven Public Governance Institute)

. T10P12 - Political Agency in the Policy Process

Jan Olsson (Örebro University)

Erik Hysing (Örebro University)

. T10P03 - Policy Capacity: Empirical Explorations and Conceptual Clarifications

Michael Howlett (Simon Fraser University)

. T10P02 - Perspectives and Practices of State Executives and Policy Elites: Comparative Understandings

Bryan Evans (Ryerson University)

. T10P01 - Non-state Organizations in the Policy Process: Comparative Perspectives

Bryan Evans (Ryerson University)

. T10P08 - Policy learning & Policy change: Theorizing the relation from different perspectives

Stéphane Moyson (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

Peter Scholten (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

Christopher Weible (University of Colorado Denver)

T11 - Discourse and critical policy research

. T11P06 - Intersectionality Based Policy Analysis: Innovating and Transforming Policy

Olena Hankivsky (Simon Fraser University)

Julia Jordan-Zachery (Providence College)

. T11P03 - Discourses in environmental policy ? lessons learnt and new perspectives

Peter Feindt (Wageningen University and Research Centre)

Georg Winkel (University of Freiburg)

Sina Leipold (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ)

. T11P04 - Hydraulic fracking for shale gas as an interpretive problem

Jennifer Dodge (Rockefeller College/University at Albany)

Tamara Metze (Tilburg University)

. T11P08 - International Relations meeting Critical Policy Studies

Anna Durnová (University of Vienna)

. T11P01 - Discursive practices in public policy: theoretical developments and empirical evidence

Anna Potsar (National Research University Higher School of Economics)

Dmitry Zaytsev (University of Notre Dame at Tantur)

. T11P07 - Reflexivity, normality and (de)routinization

Kathrin Braun (Department of Political Science)

Anne Loeber (University of Amsterdam)

. T11P05 - Media and policy

Luigi Bobbio (University of Turin)

joan subirats (institute of government and public policy, universitat autònoma barcelona)

T12 - Governance, policy networks and coalitions

. T12P07 - Governance and Territory: land use policies and community networks in Latin America

Juan-Antonio Zornoza (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)

Alberto Giraldo (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)

Norman Simón Rodríguez (National University of Colombia)

. T12P08 - Climate Change Policy Networks

Jeffrey Broadbent (University of Minnesota)

Antje Witting (University of Konstanz)

. T12P04 - Modes of Governance: Asia in Comparative Perspective

Eduardo Araral (Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy)

. T12P10 - Re-framing Industrial Policy in time of crisis

Maria Tullia Galanti (Università degli Studi di Milano)

Marco Di Giulio (Department of Political and Social Sciences - University of Bologna)

. T12P05 - European Economic Governance

Frans K.M. van Nispen (Erasmus University of Rotterdam)

. T12P09 - Multi-scalarity and transnational policy-making

Richard Weiner (Rhode Island College)

. T12P02 - The AIM of Governance in the 21st Century: Actors Instrumentation and Modes of Governance

Damon Alexander (University of Melbourne)

Jenny Lewis (University of Melbourne)

helen sullivan (Melbourne School of Government, University of Melbourne)

. T12P06 - Public policy and citizen involvement

Laurence Bherer (Université de Montréal)

joan font (Institute of Advanced Social Studies (IESA-CSIC))

. T12P03 - Networks and network analysis in policy

Kathryn Oliver (University College London)

Michele Acuto (STEaPP, University College London)

Karin Ingold (University of Bern)

T13 - Gender and public policy

. T13P04 - Comparative Considerations on Reproductive Rights

Kieke Okma (Catholic University Leuven)

. T13P02 - Feminist Institutionalism and Gender Equality Policy

Jennifer Curtin (University of Auckland)

Melissa Haussman (Carleton University)

T14 - Local and multi

. T14P01 - Conflict in Federal Systems in Para-diplomatic and International Relations

Rajeev Venugopal (Saint Thomas University, University of New Brunswick)

. T14P02 - Security and Resource Development Policies: Multi-Level Governance in the Arctic Region

Thierry Rodon (Université Laval)

Pelaudeix Cecile (PACTE Sciences Po Grenoble)

Christopher Alcantara (Wilfrid Laurier University)

T15 - Politics, policy and business

. T15P06 - Collaborating and partnering for public policy action

Carsten Greve (Copenhagen Business School)

helen sullivan (Melbourne School of Government, University of Melbourne)

. T15P03 - ?Paying a fair share? Activism, Business and Tax Justice?

Richard Eccleston (University of Tasmania)

. T15P05 - Finding the balance between ?public? and ?private? in public policy practice

Petr Witz (Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague)

Robert Ågren (Lund University)

. T15P04 - Climate Change Policy, Business and Development

Nirvia Ravena de Sousa (Center for Advanced Studies of the Amazon -NAEA-UFPa and Amazonia University Brazil)

Flavio Gaitán (Universidade Federal da Integração Latino Americana-UNILA)

. T15P01 - Business Policy

Graham Wilson (Boston University)

T16 - Science, Technology and Policy

. T16P02 - Energy and climate change mitigation governance

Ellen van Bueren (Delft University of Technology)

Thomas Hoppe (Delft University of Technology)

. T16P03 - Technology clusters: supporting collaborative innovation

Raffaella Manzini (LIUC Università Cattaneo)

Michele Arra (Technical Scientific Commettee, Lombardia Aerospace Cluster)

. T16P01 - Modeling, simulation, scenarization and algorithms in public policy

Stefan Aykut (LATTS / LISIS)

Bilel Benbouzid (Gustave Eiffel University, Paris)

T17 - Internet and Policy

. T17P01 - Digital Government and Public Policy

Helen Margetts (University of Oxford)

. T17P02 - Big Data, Data Science and Public Policy

Helen Margetts (University of Oxford)

. T17P04 - Policy making in Governing the Internet: comparing novel approaches and rising challenges

Andrea Calderaro (European University Institute)

. T17P03 - Public Policy Management and New Technologies

Marco Ruediger (Fundação Getulio Vargas)

T18 - Specific policy topics

. T18P04 - Innovations in Teaching Public Policy and Public Administration: What are they and do they work?

Eduardo Araral (Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy)

M Ramesh (LKY School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore)

. T18P01 - Public policies and the public

Marleen Brans (KU Leuven)

. T18P03 - Public sector modernization between NPM-driven shifts and post-NPM? moves

Hellmut Wollmann (de)

Stig Montin (School of Public Administration, University of Gothenburg)

. T18P13 - On the Road to Permissiveness? Analyzing patterns of morality policy change

Stephan Heichel (Geschwister-Scholl-Institute of Political Science, LMU Munich)

Christian Adam (University of Munich)

Christoph Knill (LMU Munich)

. T18P06 - Institutional entrepreneurship and institutional change in public policy making

Caner Bakir (Koc University)

Darryl Jarvis (Hong Kong Institute of Education)

. T18P07 - Accounting for politics and the politics of accounting in the public sector

mariafrancesca sicilia (University of Bergamo)

Eugenio Anessi Pessina (Università Cattolica)

Ileana Steccolini (Bocconi University)

. T18P10- Learning About Policy Pathways

Benjamin Cashore (National University of Singapore)

. T18P02 - The new policy and politics of food and agriculture

Carsten Daugbjerg (University of Copenhagen)

Peter Feindt (Wageningen University and Research Centre)

. T18P11 - How to take into account recent mobility changes in transport policy?

Patricia Lejoux (LET-ENTPE)

Nathalie Ortar (ENTPE)

STEPHANIE SOUCHE (University of Lyon)

. T18P09 - Policy Process Theories in Urban Systems Research

Antje Witting (University of Konstanz)

. T18P34 - Urban regeneration policies in Europe: Theory and practice.

Maria Angeles Huete García (Universidad Pablo de Olavide)

Moneyba González Medina (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

. T18P05 - Institutions, ideas, and networks in cultural policy

Kate Mattocks (University of East Anglia)

Lisa Marx (University of Geneva)

. T18P14 - Public Policies in Post-conflict scenarios

Andres Macias (Universidad Externado de Colombia)

Carlos Soto (Universidad Externado de Colombia)

. T18P08 - Public Policy in Turkey. Multiple faces of neoliberal policies in Turkey: interdisciplinary and sectorial approaches, fields and methods

ISIL ERDINC (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)

Ceren Ark Yildirim (Istanbul University)

Muge Neda ALTINOKLU (Istanbul Bilgi University)

T18a - Health Policy

. T18P21 - From evidence to policy and back again: The evidence-health policy praxis

Margaret Kelaher (University of Melbourne)

Daniel Weinstock (McGill University)

. T18P20 - Learning Lessons from Ebola: Policy Making for Public Health

Patrick Fafard (Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Ottawa)

. T18P17 - Health Technology Assessment in Public Policy: Promise and Pitfalls

Keith Syrett (Cardiff University)

. T18P22 - New Models in Primary Care. An International Comparison

Demartini Maria Chiara (Università degli Studi di Pavia)

Simon Gregory (Cambridge University)

. T18P16 - Health Policy: Implications of Advances in Technology, Science and Medicine

Penny Gleeson (The University of Melbourne)

. T18P18 - Policy Innovations to Reduce Health Inequalities in the BRICS Countries

Jeni Vaitsman ( Oswaldo Cruz Foundation)

Hanna Kociemska (Wroclaw University of Economics and Business)

. T18P19 - Fragmentation or Metagovernance? The Future of Health Care

Katherine Fierlbeck (Dalhousie University)

Scott Greer (University of Michigan)

. T18P15 - Health Systems in Transition: Problematic Politics of Raising Revenue and Delivering Health Care

Jim Bjorkman (Institute of Social Studies)

T18b - Environmental Policy

. T18P23 - Corporate Social Responsibility Policies and Natural Resource Governance

Evren Tok (Hamad Bin Khalifa University)

. T18P25 - Green fiscal reforms and employment policies

Roberto Zoboli (Catholic University of Milan)

Aldo Ravazzi Douvan (Italian MoE - OECD - U.Luiss)

. T18P24 - Regulatory Policy for Water and Sanitation Services: Design, Evaluation, and Policy Learning

Elisa Vanin (Fondazione per l'Ambiente / Turin School of Local Regulation)

Maria Salvetti (FSR - Sorbonne Business School)

Alberto Asquer (School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London)

T18c - Education Policy

. T18P27 - Governance of Knowledge Policies

Jens Jungblut (University of Oslo)

Meng Hsuan Chou (Nanyang Technological University)

Pauline Ravinet (Université de Lille)

. T18P28 - Higher Education Governance between Historical Roots and Transnational Convergence Pressures

Michael Dobbins (Goethe University of Frankfurt)

Marta Shaw (Jagiellonian University)

T18d - Social Policy

. T18P29 - World Inequality and Public Policy: What do we know and why should we care

Wenjie Zhang (The University of Texas at Austin)

Luigi Pasinetti (Università Cattolica Milano)

James Galbraith (The University of Texas at Austin)

T18e - Security

. T18P31 - Preventing the infiltration of organised crime into the legitimate economy, between research challenges and policy tools

Ernesto Savona ( Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)

. T18P32 - Policing and security: new challenges for policy-making and accountability

Hartmut Aden (Berlin School of Economics and Law)

Riedl Jasmin (Universität der Bundeswehr München)

Oldrich Bures (Metropolitan University Prague)

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