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The IPPA Early Researcher Book Award is awarded biennially to a scholar who, within seven years of completing the PhD, has published a single-authored monograph that represents a major theoretical, methodological, and/or empirical contribution to the field of Public Policy and/or Public Administration.
To be eligible for the Early Researcher Book Award 2021, the date of publication imprint of the nominee’s book must be 2013 or later. Publications by academic and non-academic presses are eligible for nomination. A thesis published online by the PhD granting university’s library is not considered as a publication for the purposes of this award. For the 2021 Award, the nominee’s book must have been published in English.
Self-nominations are not allowed.
Nominators (either individuals or publishers) may only nominate once in each category.
The call for nominations is now closed.
Carolina is a researcher at the Center for International Development and Agricultural Research, Environment and Societies Department (CIRAD, Art-Dev Research Unit). She has participated in several research and consultancy projects in Latin America, Southern and West Africa. She holds a PhD in Political Sciences and Sustainable Development from the University of Brasilia and Université Paris Saclay, and a master’s degree in International Affairs and Environment from Sciences Po Paris. Building on political sociology, network analysis, and extensive field research, her work focuses on topics such as climate policy, environmental governance and conflicts, food and nutritional security, south-south cooperation, international organizations and soft norms, policy transfer and diffusion, and cross-sectoral policy challenges.
The jury awards the Early Researcher Book Award 2021 to Carolina Milhorance for her book "New Geographies of Global Policy Making: South-South Networks and Rural Development Strategies” (Routledge, 2018). In this monograph, Carolina Milhorance delves into a fascinating case of South-South transnational policy making, that goes far beyond a study of an emerging power strategy. She proposes an in-depth tracing of the internaonalization and transfer of Brazilian rural policy instruments, conducting an impressive analysis of the competing coalitions in this dynamic process out of Brazil, and then balancing the perspective by studying the effects of transfer in the implementation of the tools in recipient countries, especially the case of Mozambique. The jury wishes to highlight the high quality of the extensive fieldwork in 6 countries and 3 continents, as well as the diversity, creavity and subtlety of the approach, originally orchestrating a set of different public policy conceptual instruments. Through the unpacking of this complex case, Carolina Milhorance beautifully addresses a question that is a major one for public policy research today: how global norms emerge, travel and are interpreted. “New geographies in global policy making” is a book that is also about new frontiers in public policy studies, and bring important and innovative contributions for any public policy researcher who has the desire to explore transnational public policies; Global South in policymaking; and the internationalization of domestic coalitions and articulation to international organizations.
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